Extinction Rebellion activists scale Labour HQ and hold up 'Cut Ties to Fossil Fuels' banner as they set off smoke grenades and douse front steps in black paint

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  • Activists demand party commit to cancelling new oil licences announced by PM 

Extinction Rebellion activists have set off smoke grenades from the roof of Labour’s HQ.

Members of environmental campaign group also painted the front steps with black ‘fake oil’ on Monday morning.

Protesters say they are demanding that the party commit to cancelling new oil and gas licences announced by Rishi Sunak this year.

One activist tied himself to a handrail outside the party’s offices on Blackfriar’s Road, London.

Despite pledging to ban new oil and gas licences, Sir Keir Starmer has reportedly told the Norwegian government-owned giant Equinor, he will not stop development at Rosebank oil field.

Extinction Rebellion activists scaled Labour's HQ in London and let off smoke grenades

Extinction Rebellion activists scaled Labour’s HQ in London and let off smoke grenades 

Campaigners also doused the building's front steps with black 'fake oil' paint

Campaigners also doused the building’s front steps with black ‘fake oil’ paint

The activists are demanding that a future Labour government commits to cancelling new oil and gas licences in the North Sea announced by the Prime Minister earlier this year

The activists are demanding that a future Labour government commits to cancelling new oil and gas licences in the North Sea announced by the Prime Minister earlier this year

One member of XR, Marcus Baillie, 68, from South Wales claimed that new oilfields would prevent emissions from peaking by 2025.

But the Prime Minister has insisted that granting new oil and gas licences in the North Sea will reduce Britain’s reliance on foreign resources. 

It comes as a leaked document seen by the Daily Mail revealed that eco activists from Just Stop Oil will stand in local and general elections in a bid to pressure Labour into adopting its policies.

JSO has so far donated over £1 million to the Labour party. 

#Extinction #Rebellion #activists #scale #Labour #hold #039Cut #Ties #Fossil #Fuels039 #banner #set #smoke #grenades #douse #front #steps #black #paint