Nothing comes between a man and his pint! Hilarious moment determined drinker sprints to rescue his beer from 'dust devil' whirlwind sweeping towards pub

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This is the hilarious moment a determined drinker sprints to rescue his beer from a ‘dust devil’ that swept through a Pembrokeshire pub car park.

CCTV footage captured the moment a swirling dust cloud made its way towards The Begelly Arms in the village of Begelly on Sunday.

Spotting the whirlwind heading their way, two drinkers rushed to take shelter inside, but one punter had other priorities.

The man, heading towards his car, immediately turns around and rushes to save his newly-poured pint.

The footage was shared by the pub on Facebook with the caption ‘our own mini tornado at Begelly today’. 

However, the Met Office says the phenomenon was not a tornado, but rather a ‘dust devil’ — also known as a ‘willy willy’.

The man can be seen sprinting towards his pint on the bench as the dust devil makes its way towards it (pictured)

The man can be seen sprinting towards his pint on the bench as the dust devil makes its way towards it (pictured)

Other punters ran towards the pub to take shelter (pictured)

Other punters ran towards the pub to take shelter (pictured) 

The Met Office says the phenomenon is known as a 'dust devil' or a 'willy willy'

The Met Office says the phenomenon is known as a ‘dust devil’ or a ‘willy willy’

People were quick to comment on the man rushing to save his pint, joking about his ‘priorities’ and referring to him as a ‘legend’.

One said: ‘Love how that man’s mind was set on his pint’.

Another wrote: ‘He did the Morecambe and Wise dance as he ran through the tornado to save his pint!

What is a ‘dust devil’?

A dust devil is a strong and relatively short-lived whirlwind.

Dust devils are usually harmless to people, but on the rare occasions they grow large enough, they can pose a threat.

 Unlike tornadoes, dust devils grow upwards from the ground, rather than down from clouds.

In the stronger dust devils, a cumulous cloud can be seen at the top of the rising column of warm air.

They only last a few minutes because cool air is sucked into the base of the rising vortex, cooling the ground and cutting off its heat supply.

They mainly occur in desert and semi-arid areas, where the ground is dry and high surface temperatures produce strong updrafts.

Source: Met Office 


‘That legend getting there to save his drink.’ another added.  

The Met Office describes a dust devil as an ‘upward spiralling, dust filled vortex of air that may vary in height from a few feet to over 1,000’.

Officials say a dust devil forms upwards from the ground, while a tornado forms from clouds and grow towards the ground.

Dust devils normally occur in the desert, only last a few minutes and are far less powerful or destructive than a tornado.

But the sight of one outside The Begelly Arms, near the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, spooked customers.

Pub owner Peter Adams, 66, said the dust devil ‘came out of nowhere’ on a sunny and still day and lasted around 30 seconds.

‘My wife and I were sitting outside talking to one of our customers. We were just sitting there and having a quiet drink under the canopy,’ he said.

‘Then we heard a car alarm go off, looked round, and [the dust devil] is the first thing we saw.’

He added: ‘We didn’t know what to expect…we all braced ourselves quickly and put our hands over the tops of the drinks.

‘It hit the actual [canopy] where we were sitting, and I think it must have stopped it in its tracks.’

He explained that they first thought it was a funnel cloud – which form in the sky and turn into tornadoes if they reach the ground – as there had previously been a couple of sightings in the area.

He added: ‘I’ve never seen one like that before. You see gusts of winds now and again, but I’ve never seen one coming across the car park like that, moving as if it was being radio-controlled…It was quite strange to watch.’