Who would YOU snog, marry and avoid out of Rishi, Starmer and Farage?: Voters reveal to MailOnline their secret crush and who they wouldn't go near with a barge pole – with some VERY surprising results

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As millions of voters descend on polling stations today, Britons have answered the all-important question: Which election candidates would you Snog, Marry or Avoid?

MailOnline took to the streets and put Brits on the spot as they reluctantly picked between Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and Reform UK’s Nigel Farage.

One voter suggested he would kiss Mr Sunak because of his Eat Out to Help Out Scheme during the pandemic, where Brits were given 50 per cent off food and drinks at restaurants as lockdown restrictions started to ease.

Another was uncertain but knew he would avoid champion Brexiteer Mr Farage, ‘at all costs.’

One chap however was taken by Farage’s humour so chose that as the reason he’d choose to couple up with him, given the choice.   

A 57-year-old headteacher could not bring herself to make the decision so simply answered: ‘That’s impossible, why don’t we go… celibate.’

Faced with the quandary of picking one of RIshi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer and Nigel Farage to snog, marry or avoid, one voter hilariously replied: 'That's impossible, why don't we go... celibate'

Faced with the quandary of picking one of RIshi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer and Nigel Farage to snog, marry or avoid, one voter hilariously replied: ‘That’s impossible, why don’t we go… celibate’

A number of members of the public were less than impressed with their options including Lois, 33, who said: 'I don't want to do any of those'
Bartender Gabriel, 23, said: 'Avoid all of them!'

A number of members of the public were less than impressed with their options. Lois (left), a musician, said ‘I don’t want to do any of those’, while bartender Gabriel said: ‘Avoid all of them!’

William, 26, was more positive and said: 'Probably kiss Sunak because the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme was quite cool. Marry Nigel probably, I think he's a funny guy. And Starmer, unfortunately, I think is going to be the last option'

William, 26, was more positive and said: ‘Probably kiss Sunak because the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme was quite cool. Marry Nigel probably, I think he’s a funny guy. And Starmer, unfortunately, I think is going to be the last option’

When MailOnline took to the streets the day before election day, Lois, a 33-year-old musician, said she would avoid Mr Farage and told our reporter: ‘I’d marry Sunak and kiss Starmer. But I don’t want to do any of those.’

Lilly, a 19-year-old prospective university student said she’d avoid Mr Farage, kiss Mr Sunak and marry Mr Starmer before wincing at the thought.

Another voter not impressed by the choice was 23-year-old bartender, Gabriel. He could only respond by saying: ‘Avoid all of them!’

Similarly, Adam, a 47-year-old hairdresser was unsure when put on the spot and said: ‘Avoid Farage for sure, yeah it’s a hard call I don’t know, no!’

More open-minded to the offering was William, 26, who works in IT. He said he would ‘probably kiss Sunak because the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme was quite cool’.

He added: ‘Marry Nigel probably, I think he’s a funny guy. And Starmer, unfortunately, I think is going to be the last option.’

Lilly, a 19-year-old prospective university student said she'd avoid Mr Farage, kiss Mr Sunak and marry Mr Starmer before wincing at the thought

Lilly, a 19-year-old prospective university student said she’d avoid Mr Farage, kiss Mr Sunak and marry Mr Starmer before wincing at the thought

Suman, 39, was the final voter and said he would snog Mr Starmer, marry Mr Sunak and avoid Mr Farage

Suman, 39, was the final voter and said he would snog Mr Starmer, marry Mr Sunak and avoid Mr Farage

A final voter – Suman, a 39-year-old in banking – said he would snog Mr Starmer, marry Mr Sunak and avoid Mr Farage.

Party leaders have spent the last 24 hours stressing their core messages ahead of today’s election. 

Sir Keir is on course to smash records as the Tories desperately try to fight off a ‘supermajority’ win for Labour.

Polls are open from 6am to 10pm ahead of a long night of couniting across the country to find out who got the most votes and will be elected Prime Minister.