Incredible transformation of Britain's most tattooed woman: From making her parents cry with an intimate tattoo of her boyfriend's name aged 15, what posessed this 36-year-old mother to cover 95% of her skin in ink?

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  • Becky Holt once vowed she would keep her tattoos hidden from sight
  • READ MORE: Britain’s ‘most tattooed’ woman who spent £35,000 covering her body in ink stuns fans by revealing what she looked like before her transformation

It started with a youthful folly – the kind of rash decision many teenagers make and live to regret. 

Now, 21 years on and £40,000 later, Becky Holt has spent hundreds of hours under the needle and earned herself the moniker ‘Britain’s most tattooed woman’.   

The mother-of-one, who has pursued careers as an alternative model and OnlyFans creator, now 36, has tattooed almost every inch of her body, including her armpits and even her vagina. 

Becky, who made headlines this week for an awkward run-in with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on This Morning, started her tattoo journey when she was 15 years old – horrifying her parents when she got her boyfriend’s name tattooed across her crotch, after lying about her age in the local body art parlour. 

She told FEMAIL: ‘I was quite wild back then, I had a lot of personal issues. This was back when I started my modelling career, and I went into alternative modelling when I got tattoos.’ 

2024: Becky Holt, who is Britain's most tattooed woman, appeared on This Morning earlier this week to show off her vast range of inkings

2024: Becky Holt, who is Britain’s most tattooed woman, appeared on This Morning earlier this week to show off her vast range of inkings

2011: The model looked hugely different in her early 20s, with dark hair and hardly any visible tattoos

2011: The model looked hugely different in her early 20s, with dark hair and hardly any visible tattoos

Becky – who has a three-year-old daughter Aurora – said she first became interested in tattoos because of models she saw in Bizarre magazine and was into body modification ‘from a young age’. 

‘They used to dress in latex, heavily tattooed, and they looked gorgeous,’ she told Cat Deeley and Ben Shepherd on This Morning earlier this week. 

‘And that’s what I wanted to be – one of those tattoo models.’ 

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I’m Britain’s most tattooed woman – sometimes bars refuse to serve me because they think I’m in a gang

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Pictures she has shared of her younger self show the extent of her dramatic transformation. 

In her early 20s, Becky had long dark hair – with only a couple of tattoos visible on her arm.

It makes for a stark difference to her current look, where she is covered entirely in tattoos from head to foot, and has long blonde locks.

Until she was 22, all of the tats were hidden – but after a while Becky, who has 156,000, followers on Instagram, decided to be bolder with her body art. 

Becky told The Daily Star previously of her first tattoo experience: ‘Mum spotted the tattoo as I bought laundry downstairs in my underwear. 

‘”What the hell is that?” she cried, before telling my disappointed dad, who paid to get it covered up with flowers to conceal the name. 

‘I also had a bird inked on to my stomach around the same time. These designs were just for me and it felt empowering. I had turned my former ‘tramp stamp’ into artwork.’ 

2015: It wasn't until later on that she started to add larger-scale tattoos on her thighs and arms

2015: It wasn’t until later on that she started to add larger-scale tattoos on her thighs and arms

2021: Becky, who now has three-year-old daughter Aurora, has a large tattoo of Ganesh on her thigh

2021: Becky, who now has three-year-old daughter Aurora, has a large tattoo of Ganesh on her thigh 

Her first big tattoo was a picture of Ganesh on her thigh, but this could still be kept covered. 

In her early 20s, she began to get new tattoos every few months, starting with her arm, then her shoulders then her lower back. 

Many of the tattoos have meaning, such as her favourite film Labyrinth on her leg, a rose to her grandmother on her side, and tattoos for her parents, sister and daughter. 

She would pay for them herself through modelling or money she received for her birthday or Christmas, and opened her own tattoo shop between 2014 and 2018. Later on, she was sponsored by other artists.  

Speaking on This Morning earlier this week, she said: ‘I have been sponsored, I have been very lucky, a lot of tattoo artists want to tattoo me because of my followings and my name in the tattoo industry. 

‘I got to conventions and stuff and people know who I am as the most tattooed women so it’s good for them to tattoo me.’

Speaking about where she would draw the line with her body art, she said she would never get her ‘eyeballs tattooed’ as it’s ‘too dangerous’ and she is happy with how her face looks at the moment.  

Asked if she would ever let her daughter get a tattoo, Becky said she would but only if she could choose the tattoo artist. 

Now says it feels wrong when she sees pictures of herself with bare skin in the past. 

2017: Becky started to add more and more tattoos to her body - though there was still some space on her torso

2017: Becky started to add more and more tattoos to her body – though there was still some space on her torso

2018: She added a tattoo of David Bowie lyrics across her forehead after a break-up

2018: She added a tattoo of David Bowie lyrics across her forehead after a break-up

In her early 20s Becky looked very different to how she does now

In her early 20s Becky looked very different to how she does now

The model was fresh-faced in her before photos, with hardly any tattoos to show, except for on her arm

The model was fresh-faced in her before photos, with hardly any tattoos to show, except for on her arm 

Now says it feels wrong when she sees pictures of herself with bare skin in the past
Becky and her friend before her tattoos

Now says it feels wrong when she sees pictures of herself with bare skin in the past (pictured)

Becky revealed the pain was 'horrific' while getting her vagina inked- saying it was 'ripping' and 'burning'

Becky revealed the pain was ‘horrific’ while getting her vagina inked- saying it was ‘ripping’ and ‘burning’

Throwback pictures of Becky and her friends show her looking drastically different without tattoos

Throwback pictures of Becky and her friends show her looking drastically different without tattoos

Becky said she was interested in body modifications from an early age after seeing them in magazines

Becky said she was interested in body modifications from an early age after seeing them in magazines

The ‘hardest’ decision she made was to get a tattoo on her forehead – especially when an old boyfriend said it would be cause for them to break up. 

But when the relationship ended, Becky was quick to get her favourite David Bowie lyrics, ‘We can be heroes’, penned underneath her hairline. 

‘The most painful place was my armpit, I’ve got all my pits, all my crotch, all my intimate area done, that was horrific, but bearable,’ she said previously.

Becky said she initially ‘wasn’t going to’ get tattoos on her hands or throat or face but ended up ‘getting addicted’ and adding even more. 

Eventually she ran out of space in visible places such as her arms and legs, having to tattoo her intimate areas and face. 

‘I always wanted them to be covered with clothes, because they were for me, not for anyone else,’ Becky explained. 

‘Once I ran out of space I got so addicted to it that I thought, do you know what, let’s go for it.’ 

Though she receives spiteful comments from trolls about her appearance, the move seems to have paid off, as the tattoos have allowed her to form a successful career. 

Britain's most tattooed woman Becky Holt, 35, from Cheshire, joined Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley on This Morning to discuss her body ink on Wednesday

Britain’s most tattooed woman Becky Holt, 35, from Cheshire, joined Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley on This Morning to discuss her body ink on Wednesday

The model and OnlyFans creator, who has £30,000 worth of tattoos - which cover 95 per cent of her body, says getting her genitals tattooed was 'horrific'

The model and OnlyFans creator, who has £30,000 worth of tattoos – which cover 95 per cent of her body, says getting her genitals tattooed was ‘horrific’

Becky’s dream has come true – featuring on countless covers of magazines and is the face of countless magazines.

Even now, her tattoo journey continues as she’s updating her old tattoos with new ones – though she now says she’s ‘bored’ of sitting for hours. 

After covering 95 per cent of her body in ink, she admitted she doesn’t actually enjoy the experience. 

She said: ‘It’s horrible having them done, they are so painful, I am past it now. I am so bored of it, I have sat for hundreds of hours.

‘Also, I am updating them, so tattooing over the ones I have already got, so when you are tattooing over scar tissue it’s so much more painful.

Becky also revealed how getting her genitals tattooed was ‘horrific’.

‘It took three sessions, the first one is an hour and a half which was just the line work and then a few weeks later I had it coloured,’ she recalled.

‘It was horrific, it’s like ripping, burning, not nice at all.

She added: ‘It was just swollen, you have to be careful, it was a little bit stingy. But it actually healed really quickly. I think the skin there is a little bit different so it healed a little bit quicker.’ 

However after covering 95 per cent of her body in ink she admitted she doesn't actually enjoy the experience

However after covering 95 per cent of her body in ink she admitted she doesn’t actually enjoy the experience

It comes after Becky revealed that she's been refused service at bars and restaurants as people assume her ink is 'gang-related' body art

It comes after Becky revealed that she’s been refused service at bars and restaurants as people assume her ink is ‘gang-related’ body art

Just last week, Becky took to Instagram to announce she’d had the inside of her bum done – a rework of an old tattoo. 

In an interview with GB News, she said: ‘My family and friends love my tattoos – they’re all really proud of me and think they’re amazing. I get quite a lot of backlash online. My followers think they’re unreal but I get trolling 

‘I just always wanted to be covered in tattoos, it was always like a dream of mine to be completely heavily covered, and once I started I just didn’t stop!’

Becky has lost count of the number of tattoos she has – but surprisingly, her partner Ben, doesn’t have a trace of ink on his body. 

Though she maintains her passion for inkings, Becky decided to quit the adult industry this May for a project close to her heart – and works with adults with learning difficulties. 

Tories accused ITV of 'stitching up' Rishi Sunak as he waited to be interviewed while Becky took centre stage

Tories accused ITV of ‘stitching up’ Rishi Sunak as he waited to be interviewed while Becky took centre stage 

Mr Sunak and Ms Holt chatted after their appearance on This Morning

Mr Sunak and Ms Holt chatted after their appearance on This Morning

On Wednesday ITV was accused of a ‘stitching up’ Rishi Sunak after he appeared on This Morning alongside Britain’s most tattooed mum Becky the day before the election. 

The Prime Minister was forced to wait in the wings of the studio while hosts Cat and Ben interviewed Becky, who showed off her body art by wearing just a tiny white two-piece. 

Pictured released by ITV showed the PM sitting at the back on a small bench waiting for his turn, and later chatting to the Cheshire mum. 

But Ms Holt backed said: ‘Rishi Sunak was gorgeous, he had beautiful skin, lovely eyes and teeth – I’d love to give him a good sandwich.’