‘No class’, ‘cheap’, ‘bimbo’. These are some of the nasty insults I’ve read hurled towards Lauren Sanchez, the 54-year-old fiancée of Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos.
And the latest outcry from – dare I say it – jealous women is that the outfit Lauren wore this week to Godmothers, Harry and Meghan’s favourite bookstore in Montecito, was inappropriate because (drumroll, please) there were children’s books on sale!
Oh, please. How dare she show off her fabulous rack in a bookshop, of all places!
In my view, she looked like a million dollars (or should that be billion dollars?) in her maroon mesh turtleneck top that accentuated her ample cleavage to perfection.
Still, the photos attracted an army of Karens who spewed their venom at Lauren as she went about promoting her children’s book, The Fly Who Flew to Space.
In fact, I’ve yet to read one positive or even remotely nice comment about raven-haired Lauren – which is pretty telling, considering she is a prominent philanthropist.
She’s Vice Chair of the Bezos Earth Fund, which has donated $10billion for climate change, and she spearheaded the Bezos Day 1 Families Fund, which saw her and Jeff reportedly donate $100million to combat homelessness.
And let’s not forget she was an Emmy Award-winning journalist before she met the ecommerce king. Oh, and she became a fully qualified pilot at 40. No biggie.

Amanda Goff reveals what men REALLY think about Lauren Sanchez – and their wives aren’t going to like it

Lauren this week wore a maroon mesh turtleneck top that accentuated her ample cleavage while promoting her children’s book at Harry and Meghan’s favourite bookstore in Montecito
You can’t deny it, ladies: the woman has brains and boobs.
The couple first went public in 2019 when Jeff, who is worth an estimated $139.2billion, left his wife of 25 years, Mackenzie Scott, and Lauren walked out on her marriage to Hollywood talent agent Patrick Whitesell.
(Don’t shed a tear for Patrick, by the way. He’s now married to the gorgeous Pia Miller and they live a charmed life in his LA mega-mansion.)
Jeff and Lauren got engaged last year when he popped the question with a diamond ring worth an estimated $2million.
So disparage Ms Sanchez all you want, but at least acknowledge this: you’re all obsessed with the mother of three from Albuquerque. I’m certainly first to admit it.
I pore over photos of the former news anchor joined at the hip with Jeff, dissecting every tight-fitting outfit she wears, her surgery, her boobs, her face, her hair, her sensational body (come on, she’s pushing 55 and looks incredible!) Even her manicure has me transfixed.
But I’m not here to drool over photos. I’m here for a little amateur psychoanalysis. Sit down, ladies, it’s time to talk about our feelings…
Now, I believe the reason why women have such strong (negative) feelings about Lauren is that her whirlwind romance with Jeff taps into all of our deepest fears about men, love and marriage.
Because while your husband might nod along as you slam the keyboard in rage and leave snarky comments, allow me to let you into a little secret you really won’t like.
He secretly wants to have sex with her.
That’s right: that ‘tasteless’ ‘cheap-looking bimbo’ (your words, not mine!) is really the kind of woman your husband or boyfriend fantasises about in private.
Let me tell you what the majority of men think about Lauren: she’s hot. She’s sexy. She’d probably be amazing in bed.

Jeff Bezos with his ex-wife MacKenzie Scott in 2018. He has since moved on with Lauren Sanchez
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Lauren Sanchez wears shocking see-through outfit during visit to children’s bookstore

As my male friend admitted: ‘Lauren looks like a hot MILF in a Brazzers film. She has that porn-star look. If any bloke saw her in a club, he’d spend the next week thinking about her. She’s that kind of woman.’
Ladies, I feel your rage – but don’t shoot the messenger. I’m a mature woman too, just a few years younger than Lauren – and certainly not as fit or sexy (and definitely not fending off any billionaires).
But I did spend a decade in the adult industry and even owned a successful escort agency. So it’s safe to say I know men pretty well.
Let me give you a glimpse into their world, where I learned two surprising things:
1) What men are secretly attracted to and what they say they are attracted to are worlds apart. This has been the case for ever and will never change.
2) Most men drool over sexy older women with unrealistically curvy bodies and big boobs (fake or not, they don’t care). This has been the case for ever and will never change.
This isn’t a column where I’m trying to make you feel bad about your bodies or ruin your self-esteem.
Not one of us has the perfect body, whatever that is, and most likely, you’re at the age and stage in your life where you really don’t care what men like. At 50, I’ve reached the point where I’m finally happy with who I am, imperfections and all.
And it’s also important to remember that Lauren has all the money in the world to perfect her body – most likely an army of trainers, nutritionists, stylists, make-up artists and hairdressers at her (long, manicured) fingertips.
But I’m going to give it to you straight, Lauren is sex on legs.

Amanda Goff spent a decade in the the adult industry and even owned a successful escort agency, so it’s safe to say she knows men pretty well
She oozes sex appeal and I can tell this by the significant time and effort she invests in her appearance, which I think reflects a high degree of sexual confidence.
You may call her vain and insecure. Men would call her hot.
We may be intimidated by Lauren’s bravado – she looks like she’d eat men for breakfast – so, of course, our natural reaction, being women, is to put her down. Because, let’s admit it, we compare ourselves to her and then look in the mirror.
Not many of us can afford – or even want – plastic surgery. And while women can wear what they damn well please, few of us in our fifties choose to wear tight figure-hugging clothes.
Say what you want about her, but Lauren clearly operates outside conventional boundaries for someone of such wealth and prestige. She’s not the pearl-clutching, kitten-heel wearing, conservative woman with a sensible bob haircut we would expect a man like Jeff to be with.
And yet he is. And there’s something very confronting to us women to see a man like Jeff – who could marry anyone he wants – choose Lauren as a wife.
But before you despair – my years as a madam have taught me another thing.
Yes, your husband or boyfriend may have fantasies about women like Lauren Sanchez – but he’d rather be with you. Men may drool over the ‘porn star’ body but, nine times out of ten, they always choose their wife.
In that sense, billionaire Jeff is the exception that proves the rule.