Amazing moment infuriated driver rams his car into his bank in popular tourist destination after ATM didn't give him any cash

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#Amazing #moment #infuriated #driver #rams #car #bank #popular #tourist #destination #ATM #didn039t #give #cash

  • The unnamed driver was arrested in Malaga, Spain after getting stuck 

This is the astonishing moment a man rammed his car repeatedly into a cash machine because it ‘wouldn’t give him any money’.

The driver could clearly be seen smiling as he smashed his vehicle into an ATM, reversing back a few feet before accelerating over and over again.

The surreal scene occurred around midday on Sunday at a La Caixa branch in Malaga on the Costa del Sol.

Witnesses said the motorist had beckoned people to get out of the way before smashing into the ATM in a drama said to have lasted around 10 minutes.

Initial reports, based on the claims of the driver himself to onlookers, pointed to him acting out of anger because he had been unable to withdraw money.

Video shows the family car ramming into the popular Spanish bank in Malaga, Spain

Video shows the family car ramming into the popular Spanish bank in Malaga, Spain

The driver appeared to be smiling as he drove his car repeatedly into the bank

The driver appeared to be smiling as he drove his car repeatedly into the bank

Police have now confirmed they arrested the driver who smashed into the ATM in Malaga’s Ciudad Jardin neighbourhood on suspicion of criminal damage and robbery.

The driver, who has not been named, is said to have claimed he acted out of desperation because he didn’t have enough money to feed his children, although police have not yet commented on this.

He passed a breathalyzer test and a drugs test.

Confirming Sunday’s arrest, which occurred after the man’s vehicle got wedged two pillars as he accelerated towards the ATM for the fifth or sixth time, a spokesman for Malaga’s local city hall-employed police force said: ‘Local police officers have held a man for a crime of criminal damage and robbery using the ram-raiding method.’

The driver tested negative for alcohol and drugs after ramming repeatedly into the building

The driver tested negative for alcohol and drugs after ramming repeatedly into the building

Bystanders could only watch on as the man drove into the bank, grinning

Bystanders could only watch on as the man drove into the bank, grinning

They added: ‘The incident occurred on Sunday at 12.30pm in the Ciudad Jardin neighbourhood of Malaga when the individual in question tried to rob a bank.

‘Police identified several witnesses, including one who was using the cash machine when the driver beckoned to him to move out of the way before smashing his vehicle into the ATM several times.

‘The driver tested negative for both alcohol and drugs.

‘The vehicle he was driving was towed away.’