This is the amazing moment a Royal Navy ship was refuelled mid-voyage after a machine gun shoot.
HMS Portland took on fuel from RFA Tidespring as it conducted a replenishment at sea following a busy few days for the vessel.
The crew last week carried out a heavy machine gun shoot and conducted training sessions for the team.
A stunning clip captured water gushing between the two ships against a backdrop of blue sky as the refuelling took place.
The crew can be seen standing on the deck of HMS Portland as the vital operation was carried out.
This is the amazing moment a Royal Navy ship was refuelled mid-voyage after a machine gun shoot
HMS Portland took on fuel from RFA Tidespring following a busy few days for the vessel
Replenishment at sea is a method of transferring fuel, munitions and stores from one ship to another while out at sea that was first developed in the 20th century.
It was used extensively by the United States Navy during World War II to allow their ships to remain at sea for long periods of time.
Prior to the process being introduced, ships had to travel to coaling stations to replenish supplies.
HMS Portland is a Type 23 frigate ship which were initially developed as anti-submarine vessels, according to the Royal Navy.
However, since their introduction they have been used in a variety of other roles, from warfighting to maritime security operations.
RFA Tidespring, commanded by Captain Richard Davies, is a ship predominantly deployed on replenishment at sea operations.
The crew can be seen standing on the deck of HMS Portland as the operation took place
The stunning clip captured water gushing between the two ships against a backdrop of blue sky as the refuelling took place
This involves delivering key supplies and transporting specialist personnel to various ships.
RFA Tidespring is also sometimes involved in policing shipping lanes and providing humanitarian aid.
It even has the capacity to carry a large Chinook on its deck.