- Moran Yai, 40, was among 100s abducted by Hamas terrorists
- The jewellery designer was at the Supernova rave massacre
- Her brother-in-law is Australian Underbelly star Dan Mor
- He’s spoken out after she pleaded for her life in TikTok clip
- READ MORE: Eyewitnesses to a massacre: Festival survivors relive rave carnage
Australian Underbelly star Dan Mor has begged ruthless Hamas terrorists to free his sister-in-law after terrifying footage emerged of her pleading for her life at gunpoint.
Moran Yanai, 40, was snatched by the Palestinian militants who slaughtered 260 helpless Supernova festivalgoers during the Gaza Strip attack on Israel on Saturday.
The jewellery designer had set up a retail stand at the doomed rave in Israel’s south near Kibbutz Re’im before it turned into an horrific massacre.
She managed to hide from the marauding guerrillas as they hunted down victims in the surrounding countryside while she made frantic phone calls to her family.
But then they lost contact with her – until a video emerged on TikTok of her surrounded by gun-wielding militia fighters as she pleaded for her life.
Now her brother-in-law has begged for her safe release – along with the 160 other hostages seized from the rave – and branded the merciless killers ‘worse than Nazis’.
‘I’m praying to God that we’re going to bring her back,’ he told Daily Mail Australia. ‘She is a peace-loving, kind-hearted artist who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

A clip posted to an anonymous TikTok account, shows Moran Yanai begging for her life as Hamas militants can be heard shouting in the background

Moran Yanai, 40, was snatched by the Palestinian militants who slaughtered 260 helpless Supernova festivalgoers during the Gaza Strip attack on Israel on Saturday

Her brother-in-law, Dan Mor (pictured), who starred in the Underbelly series The Golden Mile, revealed the family had spoken to her as she was desperately trying to flee the carnage
‘Just a beautiful, beautiful soul inside and out.’
Mr Mor is an Australian-Israeli dual citizen who starred in the Underbelly series The Golden Mile and is now a diamond dealer in Tel Aviv where he lives with his family.
He revealed how his sister-in-law was excited to set up a stand at the festival until the early morning surprise attack by Hamas on Israel targeted the open air rave.
‘On Saturday morning, at around 7am, she rang her father and was frantic because they were already shooting at them and they were running for their life’, he said.
‘She managed to hide with two other friends and rang her mother about an hour later saying that they’re still hiding and bullets were flying over them.
‘And later, we lost contact.’
The desperate family trawled social media and government departments for any information until they finally discovered a clip of her on an anonymous TikTok account.
It showed Ms Yanai begging for her life as armed Hamas militants can be heard shouting at her in Arabic in the background.
‘She was surrounded by militants speaking Arabic saying that they’ve captured another one,’ said Mor. ‘It was frightening.
‘Her mother had to see the video of her daughter on her knees begging, trembling, and militants speaking in Arabic.
‘We didn’t even want to translate to her what they were saying because it was terrible.
‘We haven’t had any sign of life, any signal from her for the past five days. That was it.’
The worry over his relative’s fate has had a devastating effect on his family, he said.
‘My wife is shattered to pieces,’ he said. ‘She hasn’t eaten for five days, and we’re just fighting to bring Moran back.
‘I’m praying to God that she, and the other 150 or 160 abductees kidnapped, will come back unharmed.
‘We’re really clutching at straws. We’re crying out to the world to help us bring Moran home. We’re desperate. We’re broken. The family is devastated.’

Jewellery designer Moran Yanai had set up a retail stand at the doomed rave in Israel’s south near Kibbutz Re’im before it turned into an horrific massacre
He said the whole country has been horrified by the savagery of the bloody attack on Israelis by the Hamas forces.
‘I just saw a video of a father that got told that his eight year old daughter was massacred,’ he said.
‘He was saying, ‘Yes!’ – that he was thankful because her death is better than her being in Gaza right now and at the hands of these terrorists.
‘Who knows what they would do to her
‘Innocent young civilians – we’re talking about babies, elderly, entire families – have been captured, humiliated, raped, butchered, burnt alive.
‘They danced on their bodies. Forty-three babies were found beheaded, babies were found burned in their bed – completely burned. It looks like chunks of coal.
‘Babies got shot at, pregnant women got cut open and the foetuses were pulled out. Rape and more rape everywhere apparently.
‘It’s complete terror and brutality that we have never seen before.’
He said the militants were parading the bodies of their victims like trophies on social media and branded the savagery ‘like the Holocaust magnified’.
‘It’s catastrophic,’ he said. ‘There are hundreds of funerals today and tomorrow. Everybody is touched by that.
‘One thousand Israeli dead is equivalent proportionally to 35,000 Americans, you get the magnitude of this. The world has to wake up to this.
‘It’s extremist, it’s radicalism and they’re being fed this venom by a very small minority. We need to wake up and eliminate them.
‘ISIS got dealt with – and this is ISIS on steroids.’

Moran Yanai managed to hide from the marauding guerrillas as they hunted down victims in the surrounding countryside while she made frantic phone calls to her family

Brother-in-law Dan Mor has begged for Moran Yanai’s safe release – along with the 160 other hostages seized from the rave – and branded the merciless killers ‘worse than Nazis’
He said his sister-in-law’s abduction was just one of hundreds.
‘One mother received a video from her son’s phone as if her son was sending the video but it was a terrorist killing her son filming it and sending it to his mother,’ he said.
‘Is that going to free Palestine? Is that going to free anyone? Is that going to do anything is that going to get us out of Israel?
‘This is just pure evil – pure evil that the devil hasn’t created. This is beyond evil.’
He added: ‘With the Nazis, it was crazy what they did, but everything was very organised – they gassed them, they shot them…but here, it’s barbaric.
‘Here it’s like they’re not even animals. Here it’s like butchery, rape, slaughter but in the most horrific ways.
‘We’re helpless. We’re faithful, we believe and hope that the world is going to come together and unite and put the hatred aside – and help us bring Moran back home.’
Ms Yania was snatched from the Supernova festival – billed as a celebration of ‘friends, love and infinite freedom’ – which was scheduled to coincide with the Jewish festival of Simchat Torah
Instead, the weekend-long outdoor rave in southern Israel turned into the site of an unimaginable bloodbath.
Terrified revellers fled for their lives as they were surrounded by Hamas gunmen who descended on the site in paragliders, motorbikes and pick-up trucks.
It was several hours before help would arrive, leaving militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns free to carry out a murderous rampage.
At least 260 were killed in the carnage while many are still missing – probably dead or taken hostage by the bloodthirsty militants.
Here is how the unimaginable terror unfolded.
Surrounded by trees in the desert, revellers had spent the night dancing to pumping trance music under the stars. They had begun arriving at the site – which featured multiple stages, a camping area and a food court – from 11pm after paying $100 for a ticket, blissfully unaware of the terror to come.
Three miles away at the border with Gaza, heavily-armed Hamas militants were preparing to embark on a callous multi-pronged attack – breaking through the fortified fence surrounding the territory using explosives to create gaps.
Footage shows oblivious party-goers dancing at around 6.30am as a formation of Hamas militants on paragliders approaches in the sky some distance behind them.
Around the same time rockets were sent arcing over the heads of the ravers. Some did not initially notice the sound of the explosions and gunfire over the thumping music while others, used to rockets from Gaza, shrugged them off.
But when the music stopped the revellers hit the ground – a standard drill for those in southern Israel where fire exchanges over the border are frequent. A voice boomed over the loudspeakers across the site warning: ‘Guys, we have red alert. Red alert.’ A handful of police officers began breaking up the party and shouting ‘Colour Red’ – code for incoming rocket fire.
Michel Atias, 43, who was at the festival, said: ‘It started off as a beautiful party, with great vibes and energy. But at around 6.30am, the rocket fire started. Many people panicked and started running to their cars.’
Briton Jake Marlowe, 26, who had been working as a security guard at the event, messaged friends later that morning saying he was still trying to get people out. At around 9am, the 26-year-old – who has since gone missing – left a brief voice note to a friend saying he had stayed behind with another pal he referred to as Shlomi.
It said: ‘Me and Shlomi are right by Gaza, bro… We are seeing it in front of our eyes, we are rounding up the people from the party now, we are on an ATV [quad bike] and we are telling everyone to get the f*** outta there.’

Terrified partygoers were seen fleeing the festival on foot, running across the sand, trying to jump into cars as Hamas terrorists fired shots

Israelis could be heard shouting, running, and hurriedly getting into cars as they attempt to escape
As the party-goers scrambled toward their vehicles or took cover they found themselves surrounded as four pick-up trucks filled with militants and gunmen on motorcycles encircled the main road leading out of the venue.
‘We heard gunshots and later realised that the gunmen were targeting those who were trying to flee the party – they were waiting for them,’ Mr Atias added. ‘When I reached my car, the terrorists were still shooting. I saw a woman shot in the leg, I saw a car with bullets that had shattered the windshield.
‘There was so much panic and the sound of the gunshots was getting closer and closer. We all understood this was a terror attack.’
Hanoch Hai Cohen, 32, from Tel Aviv said: ‘They were shooting at people just a metre away… these were executions. We were like ducks in a firing range.’ Vehicles were abandoned before the exit as cars were peppered with automatic gunfire and hit with rocket-propelled grenades.
Shye Weinstein, 26, who recently moved to Tel Aviv from Toronto, said: ‘I remember one specific car, the person in the car was in the front seat. They had tried to get away and couldn’t and they were shot in their car.’
Chilling social media footage showed desperate festival-goers running across the desert without cover as rapid gunshots rang out. Some were locked in a terrifying chase as they were pursued by attackers in vehicles, with revellers being killed or seized.
Injured survivor Sahar Ben Sela said he was led to a concrete bomb shelter by a policeman with about 30 others.
‘After a few minutes, the terrorists started shooting at us and neutralized the policeman right in front of us,’ he said.

Aftermath: Burnt-out and abandoned cars where revellers tried to escape the onslaught

An armed Palestinian militant leading a man during the Supernova music festival

An armed Palestinian militant is seen walking around the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Reim in the Negev desert in southern Israel
‘They threw a grenade that exploded at the entrance of the shelter. After a minute… they threw another grenade that hit me in the head. I stood against the wall in the second row of people and the grenade flew to the bodies behind. They were the ones getting hit, and this is what saved us.
‘He said a terrorist then entered the shelter with an Uzi machine gun and sprayed the trapped revellers with bullets. Everyone who was in the first and second rows, except for me, was killed. A bullet hit me in the elbow and shrapnel in my leg and lungs. I think his gun got stuck because I heard a noise and he ran outside.’
When Sahar managed to escape he was able to call the police for help but was told simply: ‘Just run. Good luck.’
As the murderous gunmen continued to mow down anyone in their path, terrified revellers scrambled for cover in nearby orchards, banana groves or ditches. ‘We were hiding and running, hiding and running, in an open field, the worst place you could possibly be in that situation,’ said Arik Nani from Tel Aviv, who had been celebrating his 26th birthday. Parents and friends received panicked messages from their trapped loved-ones desperately asking for help.
It was still only 9.30am – but it would be six hours before the Israeli military arrived, leaving the militants to murder indiscriminately. Dashcam footage from an abandoned car shows how a reveller was spotted as he hid.
Cowering on the ground behind a vehicle, he is approached by a terrorist and executed. Moments earlier another terrorist had fired at an injured reveller before marching him off at gunpoint.
Others were forced to play dead as the killing carried on around them, only emerging when they heard security forces speaking in Hebrew.
Ester Borochov, 19, fled in her car before it was hit and broke down. ‘They started shooting at us point blank,’ she said. ‘A young man took us in his Jeep. They shot him… the car overturned. We played dead, me and my friend, for two and a half hours… before help arrived. That’s how we survived.’
May Hayat, who had been working at a festival bar, said: ‘I hid under the stage of the party and laid down next to three dead people. I smeared blood that dripped from one of the bodies and pretended to be dead. For three hours I lie among corpses and wonder what will happen to me.’

Hamas had claimed the body in the truck was a female Israeli soldier – but it was last night confirmed to be tourist Shani by her cousin Tomasina Weintraub-Louk

Shocking footage shared on social media appears to show Palestinian fighters parading Shani’s naked body on the back of a pick-up truck
At around 10am, student Noa Argamani, 25, and her boyfriend Avinatan Or had texted loved ones to let them know they were safe.
Noa was said to have been hiding with a group who were being murdered. ‘She was saying there were terrorists going crazy, killing and kidnapping people,’ said childhood friend Yad Gorjalstan, 27. ‘We last heard from Noa around 10am and then the next thing we see is her on a Hamas propaganda video.’
Footage circulating on social media showed the terrified student screaming as she is bundled on to a motorcycle. ‘You can hear her screaming, ‘No, no, no, I am innocent’,’ added Mr Gorjalstan.
Shani Louk, 30, was seen struggling to reach her car as it was surrounded by armed terrorists.
Her mother Ricarda said she last spoke to her daughter after hearing rockets and alarms sounding in southern Israel and called to see if she’d made it to a secure location. ‘She was going to her car and they had military people standing by the cars and were shooting so people couldn’t reach their cars, even to go away. That’s when they took her.’ Hours later a video emerged of an apparently lifeless semi-naked woman thought to be Miss Louk being paraded through Gaza in the bed of a truck.
In highly distressing scenes, militants are seen sitting on the body as one pulls her hair and another spits on her. Her family said they recognised her distinctive tattoos. ‘It looks very bad, but I still have hope,’ said Mrs Louk.
‘I hope that they don’t take bodies for negotiations. I hope that she’s still alive somewhere.’

Hamas fighters circumvented Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip by flying in via paraglider, according to the Israeli military (pictured: A paraglider crossing into Israel)

The Israeli rescue service Zaka said at least 260 bodies have been removed from the festival site. Pictured: Partygoers fleeing the festival scene on Saturday

A distressing image, shared in a pixellated form on the Israeli government’s official Twitter page, showed scores of victims placed in body bags underneath a tent at the festival site
The staggering toll of the festival was only becoming clear on Monday, as Israel’s rescue service Zaka said at least 260 bodies had been recovered and there are fears the total could rise.
Harrowing pictures emerged of dozens of body bags being loaded into refrigerated lorries. ‘They butchered people in cold blood in an inconceivable way,’ said Zaka spokesman Moti Bukjin. Desperate relatives have continued to descend on hospitals in an attempt to locate the missing.
Shany Tsaban, 31, said her parents spent hours walking through hospital wards anxiously searching for her missing sister, Bar Zohar, 23. She said: ‘Bar called our mother at around 6.40am yesterday, saying, ‘Mum, come and get me, there are rockets here’.
‘Then a bit later she called again screaming, ‘Mum! Mum’ And then the call was disconnected.’
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