- DeMilked latest online gallery features the very best construction fails
- Read More: Social media users share snaps of hilarious and dangerous
Sometimes building work doesn’t quite go to plan, and rather than looking impressive, can actually turn out to be an eyesore.
People from around the world have shared snaps of disastrous renovations they’ve come across, which DeMilked has collated into a bizarre online gallery.
Among the unexpected sightings, is a photo which shows how one contractor showed a reckless attitude towards building safety when building structural pillars in a carpark.
Elsewhere, another contractor put a toilet in a cupboard during a bizarre renovation – perhaps in an ill-fated attempt to save space.
Meanwhile, another designer created a spiral staircase which looked like it was about to collapse at any second, making climbing it less than appealing.

Balcony on a balcony! People from around the world have shared snaps of disastrous renovations and DeMilked collated the worst into an online gallery. The photos include this one, where a homeowner, in Germany decided to build another room off the side of their apartment
Another homeowner, in Germany, took the lack of safety even further, and decided to build another room off the side of their apartment. Not the most relaxing space to chill out in.
But at least you can get into that room – unlike one in another of the snaps, which is so narrow, a small child would struggle to squeeze themselves through.
Here FEMAIL takes a look at some of the most mind-boggling design decisions from around the world…

Weird! Elsewhere another contractor put a toilet in a cupboard during a bizarre renovation – handily in reach of the electric kettle

Is it art? Another designer created a spiral staircase which looked like it was about to collapse at any second

Yikes! One contractor showed a reckless attitude towards safety when building structural pillars in a carpark

Tight squeeze! Someone else spotted a very thin door which would make it difficult for even a small child to get through

You just can’t help looking at this photo and wondering if there is somewhere that may be a better place to put that fireplace?

Yikes! Safety wasn’t taken into consideration when these stairs were designed. But you could also argue that aesthetics weren’t either…

Don’t miss your step! Those with a major fear of heights are not going to enjoy going up and down these transparent horrors

Tetris! The design of this kitchen would give anyone a headache with it’s confusing layout – it just doesn’t make any sense

While the balconies on this building may be extremely aesthetically pleasing, the fact they are completely unreachable makes them somewhat pointless

This wheelchair access ramp not only ends with stairs, it doesn’t actually appear to provide any access to the building. Which makes it seem less than useless

While some people may deem placing coving around their light switch as total overkill, overs may find it very pleasing to look at. It’s an interesting dilemma