Brave schoolgirl gets spectacular revenge on bully during prom dress catfight

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A Georgia schoolgirl who was attacked during a catfight over a prom dress managed to body slam her attacker into the ground after she became surrounded during the fight.

The 18-year-old victim, who was not named, met her former friend Morgan Flinchum, 20, at a Gwinnett gas station to sell the garment on February 26, according to police.

Flinchum went to try the outfit on at a nearby Racetrac store where an unidentified friend grabbed it and tried to make off with it, investigators added.

The victim pursued them with help from a male witness, but was quickly surrounded by two other young women identified by the authorities as Kaylee George and Lelia DeJager.

Dramatic surveillance footage obtained by WSB-TV2 captured the moment the incident became physical and the victim is grabbed around the waist.

Suddenly, she manages to throw her assailant over her shoulder and body slam her into the ground.

The women then continue to grapple on the floor before the attacker rolls away and stalks away from the scene flanked by her cronies.

As they waited for officers to arrive tensions reportedly flared again and Flinchum allegedly swung at the victim again but was prevented by the male witness while another person tried to grab her hair. 

A Georgia schoolgirl who was attacked during a catfight over a prom dress managed to body slam her attacker into the ground after flipping the script during the fight

A Georgia schoolgirl who was attacked during a catfight over a prom dress managed to body slam her attacker into the ground after flipping the script during the fight

The fight was caught on surveillance footage and showed the victim managing to fight back after being surrounded by three women

The fight was caught on surveillance footage and showed the victim managing to fight back after being surrounded by three women

The 18-year-old victim had met her former friend Morgan Flinchum, 20, at a Gwinnett gas station to sell the garment on February 26, according to police

The 18-year-old victim had met her former friend Morgan Flinchum, 20, at a Gwinnett gas station to sell the garment on February 26, according to police

Flinchum was charged with theft along with Kaylee George
Lelia DeJager was additionally charged with battery

Flinchum was charged with theft along with Kaylee George (left) and Lelia DeJager (right) who was additionally charged with battery

 The victim later told police she was being choked which triggered her response.

‘There was a dispute, which ultimately was a civil issue between the dress and money owed to one of the parties,’ Gwinnett County Cpl. Juan Madiedo said.

‘Obviously, in the video, you can see it became physical, and that’s when 911 was called.

‘It appears that all the individuals knew each other or had some familiarization with each other. There was a victim being surrounded by multiple individuals.’ 

Officers noted visible injuries on the victim’s body and  Flinchum, George, and DeJager turned themselves in.

All were charged with theft the next day while DeJager and Flinchum also face battery charges.

‘Here in Gwinnett County, all of our police precincts, including our headquarters here, have designated e-commerce parking,’ said Madiedo. 

‘We invite any citizen out there, if you’re looking to make a transaction, sell any items or purchase an item online, meet that person at one of our designated e-commerce locations.’