British woman, 57, with terminal breast cancer is euthanised 'on a beach in the sunshine' in New Zealand surrounded by loved ones days after urging UK to change its laws on assisted dying

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A British woman with terminal breast cancer has been euthanised ‘on a beach in the sunshine’ in New Zealand just days after urging the UK to change its laws on assisted dying, her friend has revealed.

Tracy Hickman, 57, who was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer in March 2019, had been fighting for euthanasia rights in the UK before passing away on Wednesday.

In a heartfelt tribute posted on Instagram, Tracy’s podcasting pal Dom Harvey shared a picture of the pair alongside a caption that read: ‘Tracy Hickman passed away peacefully today’. 

Speaking on Dom’s podcast two weeks ago, Tracy revealed she would be dying on a beach on May 22 surrounded by her sister, her brother-in-law, her niece, her partner, and a few close friends.

Explaining how the day would go, she said with a smile on her face: ‘It will hopefully have some chocolate for breakfast because I’m a real chocoholic’.

‘And then I’m going to go to a beach with the people I really love… and listen to the waves, see the sea, and put the rest of the medicine in’, she added.

Tracy Hickman, 57, died by euthanasia on Wednesday on a beach in New Zealand, her pal Dom Harvey and partner Paul confirmed on Instagram

Tracy Hickman, 57, died by euthanasia on Wednesday on a beach in New Zealand, her pal Dom Harvey and partner Paul confirmed on Instagram

The British-New Zealand national had suffered with terminal breast cancer since 2019 and urged the UK to change its laws on assisted dying

The British-New Zealand national had suffered with terminal breast cancer since 2019 and urged the UK to change its laws on assisted dying

Tracy, pictured with partner Paul, said seriously ill people like her in Britain should be given choices about how their life should end

Tracy, pictured with partner Paul, said seriously ill people like her in Britain should be given choices about how their life should end

She said she would feel ‘such huge relief’ that she is able to ‘do it in that way,’ adding she felt as if she had been given ‘a massive gift’, but did not reveal the beach the assisted death would take place at.

‘I feel privileged in the last few months, I’ve said goodbye to so many people – how many people get a chance to do that when they pass away?’ she added.

‘Just feeling very fortunate to be in the position I’m in’. 

Among the hundreds of supportive and emotional comments under Dom’s tribute post was one written by Tracy’s partner Paul Qualtrough.

‘Thanks for your handling of this story,’ he wrote. 

‘It has been sensitive, and the family really appreciated how you brought it to people’s attention in a way that allowed her to raise the awareness she wanted without sensationalising it nor seeking attention.

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‘Thank you so much for turning the simple legacy she sought for her young great nieces and others into something really special.’

Tracy was euthanised in New Zealand – where it has been legalised since 2019, just days after sharing a defiant message on social media where she claimed she was ‘at peace’ with her decision to end her life on her own terms.

Last week, the British-New Zealand national told her fans in a brave statement: ‘The closer it  gets, the more peaceful I feel.

‘But I’m so sorry for causing distress to my family and friends, although they understand. 

‘The alternative is to live for another couple of months or so but have an uncertain and painful death.’ 

Tracy often spoke out on laws around assisted dying in the UK, and used her online platform to fight for others in her position to be able to decide when the right time is for them to pass away.

‘Look at what New Zealand has done, and do it even better,’ she said of her message to UK politicians, speaking to The Guardian.

Social media personality and podcast Dom Harvey posted a photo of a sunset on his Instagram alongside a message from Tracy's sibling thanking him for a podcast he did on Tracy's life

Social media personality and podcast Dom Harvey posted a photo of a sunset on his Instagram alongside a message from Tracy’s sibling thanking him for a podcast he did on Tracy’s life

Tracy was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer - a form of cancer that is generally more aggressive than others

Tracy was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer – a form of cancer that is generally more aggressive than others

‘There is a lot of focus on the right to life, but people should have the right to a peaceful, gentle death.’

In New Zealand, laws brought in under the End of Life Choice Act in 2019 enable competent adults to choose an assisted death – under the strict conditions that they have a terminal illness, are aged 18 or over, and have six months to live.

Linda Clarke – Tracy’s sister who lives in the UK – echoed her call’s to the UK government

‘If Tracy was still in the UK, I’d have to watch her go through a horrific death,’ she told the British newspaper.

Tracy was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2019 after a routine mammogram, despite being fit, a vegetarian, and non-drinker.

The mammogram had detected a malignant tumour in her left breast and within two hours a doctor was talking to her  about a mastectomy and the possibility of chemotherapy.

‘It was so confronting. Two hours after a standard mammogram I was sitting there talking to this doctor about mastectomies without anyone there to support me,’ she told The Press. 

Tracy was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer – a form of cancer that is generally more aggressive than others.

A left-side mastectomy was carried out and 12 gruelling weeks of chemotherapy followed.

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She said she suffered side-effects, such as hearing loss and ‘chemo brain’, but the cancer receded.

This allowed her to return to work and run marathons.

But in October 2021, Tracy revealed she was watching television with Paul when she noticed numbness on one side of her face and the fingers on her left hand.

‘My first thought was: ‘Is the cancer back?’,’ she said.

A brain scan did not reveal any abnormalities, with a neurologist suggesting it may have been a form of migraine.

Tracy had her suspicions and was concerned her symptoms could be related to her previous cancer diagnoses but her worries were shut down.

Then the seizures began in November 2022, when Tracy revealed ‘I suddenly couldn’t speak. I couldn’t form sentences and I was numb down my side’.

Numerous visits to hospitals and healthcare centres were made, but to no avail – medics couldn’t seem to deliver an explanation to Tracy’s worsening symptoms.

It was only in February 2023, when a seizure took place in front of a neurophysio that Tracy’s oncologist was finally notified.

Tracy was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2019 after a routine mammogram, despite being fit, a vegetarian, and non-drinker

Tracy was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2019 after a routine mammogram, despite being fit, a vegetarian, and non-drinker

An MRI of her back caught two tumours, and a following PET scan showed more tumours that had spread into her lungs, chest wall, lymph nodes and spine.  

Tracy said that at this stage, she was not eligible for an assisted death as doctors believed she had more than six months to live – although the cancer was spreading quickly.

‘A scan showed that between February and April, it got really bad. They started talking about me possibly not making it to Christmas,’ she said. 

Assisted dying in New Zealand 

Assisted dying is a health service available in New Zealand since November 7, 2021.

There is a strict eligibility criteria in place to be given the ability to choose to have an assisted death as not everyone with a terminal illness will be eligible.

New Zealanders aged 18 or over who have a terminal illness that is likely to end their life within six months may be eligible.

Medical assessments and safeguarding checks are carried out to ensure the person is eligible and is making the decision for themselves and without any pressure. 

If a person is deemed eligible, several decisions must be made including their end of life medical care, as well as discussions around where and when they want their assisted death to take place.

The person will choose the date and time of their death with support from the attending medical practitioner. 


She said she even considered suicide by refusing to eat or drink.

Tracy was terminally ill but there was treatment available to try and give her more time, with a possibility of it even adding eight years onto her life.

But she revealed she was torn between battling for more time or declining the treatment to let nature take it course while making the most of the time she had left.

She decided to give treatment a go. 

After further rounds of ‘really harsh’ chemotherapy, Tracy lost another 20 per cent of her hearing.

The treatment also led her to have nerve damage resulting in incontinence, which she described as ‘one of the hardest things to deal with’.

Immunotherapy gave her diarrhoea and dimmed her mental capacity, making it hard for her to concentrate, think and make decisions.

After suffering through the painful side effects, she told her oncologist she did not want treatment anymore.

Her prognosis changed in March this year when doctors discovered dozens of tumours in her brain and advised she probably only had three months to live.

This, she said, was a ‘huge shock’ and led to her taking morphine.

Following her diagnosis, Tracy applied for an assisted death through New Zealand’s simple process that includes an assessment from two doctors.

A medical team administered her drugs while she relaxed on a beach, until she lost consciousness within a few minutes while listening to the waves surrounded by family.

Euthanasia, or medically assisted death, is currently illegal in both the UK and the wider British Isles, and currently any medic or person who performs euthanasia can face prosecution for manslaughter or murder.

Even helping a terminally ill person take their own life, called assisted suicide, is an offence in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

While no specific law on assisted suicide exists in Scotland, helping someone end their own life could lead to a prosecution for culpable homicide in circumstances where a court determines a person’s death was not entirely voluntary.

But Tracy was not alone in her fight to make assisted dying legal in the UK as cancer-stricken Dame Esther Rantzen also echoed calls to legalise the practice.

Rantzen led a chorus of dismay after a report by MPs into assisted dying failed to deliver any clear-cut findings or proposals in February.

The inquiry, carried out by the Health and Social Care Committee, was set up to provide ‘a basis for discussion’ into whether the law should be changed.

But the committee stopped short of calling for a House of Commons debate, which would have allowed MPs to thrash out their differences on existing legislation before holding a vote.

It instead recommended that the Government should consider how to respond if moves are made to bring assisted dying into law in parts of the UK.

Dame Esther, who has stage four lung cancer and has signed up for the Dignitas assisted dying clinic in Switzerland, branded the report ‘profoundly disappointing’.

She said of the report in February: ‘Many of us feel it is time this country caught up with the best practices abroad and the only way to achieve that is for a proper debate in Parliament with a free vote at the end of it.

‘I am profoundly disappointed that this report – which many of us have been waiting for – does not come up with that recommendation.

‘I am afraid in many ways it was a wasted opportunity.’ 

With Tracy leaving behind a legacy following her fight to have UK euthanasia laws changed, Jersey’s parliament today voted in favour of drawing up controversial laws to establish an assisted dying service on the island for terminally ill people.

A States Assembly debate saw members become emotional while discussing the delicate subject.

Jersey’s government has said that to be able to access the assisted dying service, a person must have been a resident of the Channel Island for at least 12 months prior.

Members at States Greffe in St Helier yesterday voted by a majority of 32 to 14 for a service for terminally ill people with a life expectancy of six months, or 12 months if they have a neurodegenerative disease – known as route one.

But an option, known as route two, to extend a law to people with an incurable physical condition which might not be terminal but is causing them unbearable suffering – was rejected by a majority of 27 to 19.

Most members voted in favour of an opt-out for health professionals, giving them a right to refuse to participate in assisted dying.

A majority also voted for a minimum timeframe between the point at which a person makes a first formal request for an assisted death and the administration of the substance that leads to that death – proposed as 14 days.