Entitled US airline passenger learns harsh lesson after attacking staff…then stamps her feet

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An entitled Spirit Airlines passenger learned a harsh lesson after attacking staff and throwing an absolute fit over being told she wasn’t allowed on the flight. 

In newly-unearthed footage, released by the YouTube channel Crime on Bodycam,  a female flyer named Rachel quickly saw herself being dragged away from the airline’s desk before even stepping foot on the plane. 

The unhinged incident took place at Orlando International Airport in Florida as the woman attempted to catch a flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico after one of her family members died, she said. 

In the beginning of the video, a group of three Orlando Police officers approached the woman at the counter as she kept trying to find a way on board despite being told she was not allowed to fly. 

Though it is unclear why she was removed from the flight she paid for, Rachel told officers that a Spirit employee denied her access to the plane after she ‘gave him an attitude.’ 

Authorities eventually got her to step away from the desk and tell them what the issue was, but Rachel continued to cry and try to speak to the airline staff. 

‘I’m sorry, listen, I paid for this flight. I paid for this flight,’ she said as a male officer tried to get her to calm down. 

‘Listen, I had a family member die today – I just need to get home,’ the woman, dressed in light purple leggings, a gray crop top, white sneakers, and a black scarf,  explained to an officer. 

Cops continued to speak to her and try to keep her away from the desk, but Rachel made her way back over and yelled at the staff, screaming ‘I don’t get it! I don’t get it,’ before reaching behind the desk and knocking over the computer, striking employees and officers in the process. 

In newly-unearthed footage, a female flyer named Rachel, quickly saw herself being dragged away from a Spirit Airlines flight at Orlando International Airport after having a meltdown

In newly-unearthed footage, a female flyer named Rachel, quickly saw herself being dragged away from a Spirit Airlines flight at Orlando International Airport after having a meltdown

After multiple cops tried to keep her away from the airline's desk, Rachel walked back over, continued to complain and then reached behind the desk screaming (pictured)

After multiple cops tried to keep her away from the airline’s desk, Rachel walked back over, continued to complain and then reached behind the desk screaming (pictured) 

During the incident, which took place on August 30, 2023, authorities quickly grabbed Rachel as she repeatedly screamed: ‘Take me to jail! Take me to jail!,’ before landing on the floor. 

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Officers then tackled and handcuffed her as she continued to shriek. 

Rachel then started to cry as three officers kept her on the ground, waiting for her to relax. 

A woman then crouched down beside the passenger and told her: ‘Calm down! You making it worse,’ while officers called for backup. 

The authorities then asked each other if they were okay, as a female officer said the irate woman hit them during the struggle. 

A few minutes after handcuffing her, the officers rolled Rachel over and grabbed the scarf from around her neck. 

‘Kick your legs out,’ an officer instructed her. ‘I got it, I got it,’ she replied as she sat up with her hair on her face. 

While the last few passengers made their way on the plane, two more officers joined to help get the woman under control. 

Officers with the Orlando Police Department eventually tackled her to the floor, where she screamed and cried to a long period of time

Officers with the Orlando Police Department eventually tackled her to the floor, where she screamed and cried to a long period of time 

Rachel was then escorted out of the area on a wheelchair, where kept screaming and started to stomp her feet in protest

Rachel was then escorted out of the area on a wheelchair, where kept screaming and started to stomp her feet in protest 

‘Just let me go! Just let me go!,’ Rachel tearfully asked the police. 

She took some deep breaths as one officer stood behind, using his leg to stabilize her. 

Meanwhile, airport staff and bystanders watched on, some of whom recorded the dramatic scenes themselves. 

Rachel soon laid back on her stomach as one of the officers asked if she was injured. 

She suddenly screamed ‘this is so f***ed up!,’ making the cop jump back as she kicked her feet out toward him.

The officers left her laying on the ground and waited for her calm down, as one told her: ‘You just caught another charge for that for no reason,’ to which she responded: ‘I don’t give a f***!’ 

Another officer then grabbed her feet as she continued to fight back. 

‘Get the f*** off of me! You guys are on me. Where the f*** am I gonna go?’ she screamed as two more officers grabbed her arms. 

‘One, two, three, four, five, get the f*** away from me,’ she said, counting the number of police officers surrounding her. 

‘That’s not how it works,’ an officer said as Rachel threatened to take legal action. 

‘I swear to God I’m gonna sue you guys! Get the f*** away from me! Move!,’ she added. 

It took the officers multiple tries to try and get Rachel to leave the area as she kept sitting up before falling back to the floor

It took the officers multiple tries to try and get Rachel to leave the area as she kept sitting up before falling back to the floor 

‘You’re being combative, so that’s what we’re doing until we get a cart here,’ a cop told her. 

‘I’m not, I literally told you guys my f***ing situation, and all you motherf***ers are insensitive as f*** because a motherf***er here doesn’t know how to do customer service, the same shit I f***ing do in Miami. Get the f*** off of me,’ Rachel said. 

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She then mocked one of the officers and continued: ‘You don’t know sh**, all you do is wear a f***ing suit, and you think you’re good at it! While I’m here on the ground just tryna make it home because my family [member] died and it’s such a f***ing big deal to you guys.’

‘This is a f***ing show to everybody, and you’re f***Ing hurting me,’ she yelled as she turned toward the officer keeping her feet down. 

He then told her that he wasn’t putting pressure on her and that she can’t continue to kick people. 

‘My knee is on the ground and my foot is on the side of you,’ the officer clarified. 

‘I will put pressure if that’s what you want me to do,’ he added, as Rachel quickly snapped back: ‘I know you will because you guys ain’t sh**!’ 

She then raised her head a bit and realized how many people were watching her dramatic meltdown in the middle of the airport. 

A wheelchair was then brought over to her as the officers directed her to get on it. 

As she sat down, she asked the officers to make sure to get her belongings while she continued to curse at them. 

‘You guys ain’t sh** my n****, y’all take your f***ing job too serious,’ she said just before breaking out in tears again. 

Rachel was charged with resisting arrest, battery on an officer and disorderly conduct

Rachel was charged with resisting arrest, battery on an officer and disorderly conduct

Police then escorted her out of the area as she whined and screamed, stomping her feet in the process. 

They then made their way to an elevator as Rachel tried to stand up while complaining that her wrists hurt. 

Once off the elevator, an officer tried to figure out which car to take Rachel to as she continued to sob uncontrollably in the background. 

She started to apologize, as a cop told her: ‘You can be sorry. No hard feelings, it’s just business.’ 

They then rolled her outside to a patrol car as a female officer patted her down. 

‘I ain’t do shit wrong!,’ she screamed as they sat her in the vehicle. 

Once she was in the car, an officer walked up to her and told her that she was being transported to the county jail, adding: ‘You need to relax and stop acting up.’ 

Rachel was charged with resisting arrest, battery on an officer and disorderly conduct, according to the YouTube channel. 

DailyMail.com contacted the Orlando Police Department for more information.