EXCLUSIVE Neighbours of US woman arrested for using her vibrator on the beach before she 'took her own life' in her blood-spattered flat insist she was KILLED by a boyfriend – as police commander admits ‘it was not a normal suicide’

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#EXCLUSIVE #Neighbours #woman #arrested #vibrator #beach #039took #life039 #bloodspattered #flat #insist #KILLED #boyfriend #police #commander #admits #normal #suicide

  • Bodycam footage went viral of Christina Revels-Glick being arrested in July 2021 for pleasuring herself on Tybee Island Beach in Georgia 
  • DailyMail.com revealed that eight months after her arrest, she was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head
  • Now neighbors tell DailyMail.com they think she was brutally murdered following a violent dispute with a ‘boyfriend’

Four people with intimate knowledge of events surrounding Christina Revels-Glick’s death have insisted that she did not die by suicide but was brutally murdered following a violent dispute with a ‘boyfriend’, DailyMail.com can reveal.

It is three weeks since footage of 36-year-old Revels-Glick’s arrest for pleasuring herself on Georgia’s Tybee Island beach went viral.

Bodycam footage of police cuffing her after she was reported by a beachgoer who witnessed her using her vibrator by the shore July 1, 2021, had been viewed by more than 2.5million within three days of its release.

Earlier this month her story took a tragic turn as family members told DailyMail.com that Revels-Glick had taken her own life just eight months after the humiliating incident. She had been dead for approximately 30 days before her body was found.

It seemed a sorry tale of a woman whose life had spiraled into petty crime and substance abuse.

Now, in a dramatic twist, several key witnesses have come forward to push back at Hinesville Police Department’s conclusion that she died by her own hand.

Bodycam footage went viral of Christina Revels-Glick being arrested in July 2021 for pleasuring herself on Tybee Island Beach in Georgia

Bodycam footage went viral of Christina Revels-Glick being arrested in July 2021 for pleasuring herself on Tybee Island Beach in Georgia 

DailyMail.com revealed that eight months after her arrest, she was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Bloody handprints are seen in photos from her apartment

DailyMail.com revealed that eight months after her arrest, she was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Bloody handprints are seen in photos from her apartment 

Now neighbors tell DailyMail.com they think she was brutally murdered following a violent dispute with a 'boyfriend'

Now neighbors tell DailyMail.com they think she was brutally murdered following a violent dispute with a ‘boyfriend’

The police incident report shed light on the sad truth. Revels-Glick shot herself in the head and died of a wound that appears not to have been fatal immediately. But neighbors claim it was no suicide

The police incident report shed light on the sad truth. Revels-Glick shot herself in the head and died of a wound that appears not to have been fatal immediately. But neighbors claim it was no suicide 

They include the man who found her body in her blood-spattered apartment in the small Georgia town.

And the downstairs neighbors, to whom police never spoke, who told DailyMail.com they heard a violent commotion in Revels-Glick’s apartment one month earlier. They say a man whom they believed to be a boyfriend was with her that night and that they never saw her, or him, again.

Speaking to DailyMail.com Commander of Hinesville Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Divisions William Oberlander admitted, ‘It was not a normal suicide. If it was a suicide. ‘

Christina Revels-Glick was arrested in July 2021 for pleasuring herself on Tybee Beach in Georgia

Christina Revels-Glick was arrested in July 2021 for pleasuring herself on Tybee Beach in Georgia

There was such a vast amount of blood – pooled in the bedroom and living room, spattered around the bathroom’s sink and surfaces, smeared on mirrors, and tracked through the hallway where her body lay – that one seasoned police officer told DailyMail.com it was, ‘like Helter Skelter.’

Commander Oberland continued, ‘We don’t know if she shot herself on purpose or if she shot herself accidentally.’ For him that is the only unanswered question.

But he can see, he said, why someone surveying where she died might view the scene as proof that Revels-Glicks was the victim of an attack and had fought and lost a violent battle for her life.

Certainly, that’s what downstairs neighbor Jonathan Johnson, 36, thinks happened. And he believes he heard the attack in action. He said, ‘I believe that dude killed her. We heard a lot of commotion that one night then we never saw her or heard her again.’

Johnson’s wife Jasmine, 34, claimed, ‘I asked, ”Should we call the police?” But you’re not sure sometimes, like if you get involved maybe you’ll get hurt too.’

Johnson continued, ‘That guy was there all the time, and his car was over here that night. When we came out the next day it was gone.

‘There was a lot of commotion on that particular day, and we were like, ‘Shall we call the police?’ But we weren’t sure.

‘We used to hear her walking around up there, she had a heavy kind of walk. That night it was like a lot of heavy walking and moving around going off. After that it was just silent up there.’

It would be roughly a month before Revels-Glick’s landlady Felicity Rollins, Rollins’s boyfriend and family friend, Gareth White, discovered the awful truth on March 31, 2022.

Gareth White, landlady Felicity Rollins' boyfriend, said, 'I've seen someone shoot themselves in the head right in front of me and you just drop. You don't go moving around all over the place'

Gareth White, landlady Felicity Rollins’ boyfriend, said, ‘I’ve seen someone shoot themselves in the head right in front of me and you just drop. You don’t go moving around all over the place’

Revels-Glick’s landlord found her decomposing remains amid an horrific scene of an apartment spattered and trailed with blood after entering the home because she had failed to pay rent 

Speaking to DailyMail.com truck-driver White, 47, a military veteran with four tours of Iraq, explained, ‘I used to live in the apartments just across the way – I gave the lady the keys when she moved in. She was slim, beautiful, full of life.

‘I know she was excellent about paying her rent on time so Felicity knew something was wrong when she was late, and she couldn’t make contact with her.

‘I told her I’ll go up there with you.’

Records show that Rollins had requested a welfare check on her tenant two weeks earlier.

Hinesville Police Department records seen by DailyMail.com show that they visited Revels-Glick’s’ apartment on March 19 and that ‘negative contact was made.’ There appears to have been no follow up.

White recalled, ‘I was sitting waiting in my truck when Felicity and her boyfriend came back down and said, ‘Something’s wrong. We think there’s a dead body in there.’ They’d pretty much turned straight around when they opened the door. I didn’t believe it. I thought they were messing so I went up.’

White knew they were telling the truth as soon as he reached the second floor and the partially opened door – which was unlocked when Rollins had tried it.

Whitney Phillips does not believe that what she saw when she entered the apartment aligns with the police finding of suicide

Whitney Phillips does not believe that what she saw when she entered the apartment aligns with the police finding of suicide

He said, ‘That smell just hits you. I knew there was something very wrong. I walked in and past the kitchen which kind of opens onto the living room. Then round to the right there’s a mirror on the wall and I saw blood on it and thought, that ain’t good.

‘I looked further round to the right, and she was laid out right there in the hallway. She was bloated. I saw her when she was skinny.’

White’s military training kicked in as, he said, ‘my antennae went up and I started looking, doing room clearance making sure no-one was there.’

He said, ‘I’m looking around, went into the bathroom, the main bedroom and there was a little bit of blood there.

‘To me, the way she was, where she was, and the blood on the mirror…it looked like she was trying to struggle to get to the phone or the door or something.

‘It’s like she was walking, or crawling to try to get somewhere, get away, something.

‘I got out of there and said, ‘We got to call the police.’

White said he considered taking photographs to make sure that what he was seeing was preserved but that he decided against it as, despite all he has seen overseas, he didn’t want the scene in that apartment, to ‘haunt’ him.

White’s recollection chimes with Hinesville Police Department’s crime scene photographs and incident report, obtained by DailyMail.com which states, ‘There was ‘a large amount of blood’ on the living room floor, ‘two separate blood trails leading in both directions in the hallway,’ and ‘blood [was] observed in the guest bedroom on a chair, desk and computer.’

The report says that a pistol was found lying on the master bedroom bed and notes, ‘A hole was also observed in the roof directly above the bed. On the opposite side of the hallway a decomposing female body (later identified as Ms Christina Revels-Glick) was observed laying on the ground.’

It notes that Revels-Glick had ‘an exit wound from a bullet on her forehead.’

White said that he did not recall seeing any gun nor any obvious head wound though admitted a small caliber firearm (the bullet was 9mm) may not cause the sort of catastrophic damage one might assume accompanies a gunshot wound.

In fact, it may well be that Revels-Glick’s advanced state of decomposition and the shock of her discovery, simply made it impossible for White to see the damage done.

Because, according to the autopsy seen by DailyMail.com, there was a ‘gaping 1- 1 1/2-inch entrance wound,’ on Revels-Glicks’s chin. The report states that the bullet traveled through her ‘skin, soft tissue of the floor of the mouth, hard palate, anterior cranial fossa, dura, brain, and frontal bone before exiting the forehead.’

Speaking to DailyMail.com Commander of Hinesville Police Department's Criminal Investigations Divisions William Oberlander admitted, 'It was not a normal suicide. If it was a suicide.'

Speaking to DailyMail.com Commander of Hinesville Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Divisions William Oberlander admitted, ‘It was not a normal suicide. If it was a suicide.’

The resultant injuries were devastating but, according to Cmdr. Oberlander, not immediately fatal.

He explained, ‘I believe the injury she sustained…didn’t kill her instantly and simply with the shock and trauma of that, she got up, she probably couldn’t see or was fairly hindered in what she could see, and she either tried calling for help or tried to do something [to stop the bleeding]. But there was just a tremendous amount of blood.’

It’s a scenario that White cannot accept He said, ‘I’ve seen someone shoot themselves in the head right in front of me and you just drop. You don’t go moving around all over the place.

‘To me what I saw doesn’t match up with her killing herself like that. To me, all that blood, her being laid out like that…it looked like somebody who had been attacked. It looked violent.’

Perhaps it is just too awful to consider that a person did indeed suffer such an awful, protracted death alone and at their own hand.

Revels-Glick’s landlady, Rollins, 25, was so traumatized by what she witnessed in the apartment that night that, according to her sister Whitney Phillips, 36, she has never been back to it.

Instead, she asked Phillips, who also lives locally, to go there to let crime scene cleaners into the apartment once police had removed the body and concluded their investigation.

Phillips does not believe that what she saw when she entered the apartment aligns with the police finding of suicide. She said, ‘There was blood in every room in that apartment but there were other things, like unopened packages, things for the apartment, like she was expecting still to do things.

‘Why would she be ordering stuff for the house? Why would she still be paying her bills if she was planning to kill herself? She was never late on rent.’

Phillips said she was surprised to see two cell phones sitting in plain sight next to a packet of cigarettes. She said, ‘Wouldn’t the police have taken them to go through her calls or her texts? Why would you leave them when they might have contained evidence?’

Search warrants reviewed by DailyMail.com show that police recovered two cell phones, one laptop, a box of jewelry, one silver watch, one gold watch, keys, and a box of bullets from the scene.

Phillips also said that she had called the police following a conversation she had with the downstairs neighbors who told her of that violent altercation they had heard a month earlier.

She said, ‘I called and said you should speak to them. I told them everything the man told me that night, but they didn’t call back or follow up and I didn’t hear nothing else.’

Cmdr. Oberlander said he did not recall anybody coming forward to shed light on any such thing.

According to Phillips, ‘I didn’t sleep right for a week after seeing the inside of that apartment. You could see the marks on the wall where her body had been, and on the carpet where it had laid.

‘To me it looks like she was panicking, trying to get away, trying to save her life. Why would she be moving through the house like that? That doesn’t make no sense.’

But to Cmdr. Oberlander it does. It fits the bleak narrative of a woman who may have intended to kill herself in an instant but failed to do so and suffered; or a woman who shot herself accidentally and was left to struggle in horror with the aftermath.

He said, ‘Maybe she was thinking about [suicide] or maybe she was just playing with the gun. It’s clear based on the history we did of her that she had a few problems and a few things in her life she would have probably changed if she could.’

Her family members say the Tybee Beach incident did not lead to her death, but instead she fell into alcohol and drug abuse

Her family members say the Tybee Beach incident did not lead to her death, but instead she fell into alcohol and drug abuse

White drew a diagram of Christina's apartment to show where he found her decomposing body

White drew a diagram of Christina’s apartment to show where he found her decomposing body 

Her death certificate listed Christina's cause of death as suicide, though polic admit it wasn't a normal suicide

Her death certificate listed Christina’s cause of death as suicide, though polic admit it wasn’t a normal suicide 

There is little doubt that Revels-Glicks, a divorced mother of two sons – one 15, the other 19 – led a chaotic and troubled life in the years preceding her death.

One family member told DailyMail.com that she had been ‘wild’ and ‘reckless,’ leaving what could have been a ‘nice life’ in Savannah, for an increasingly transient existence.

Records show that Revels-Glick had numerous brushes with the law in Georgia and Florida, where she was deemed a fugitive from justice having been accused of stealing a car in 2018. And she was arrested on more than one occasion as well as cited for public drunkenness that same year.

Chatham County Court records also show several civil filings against her including suits pursuing her for unpaid rent, damage to property and stolen property.

In one instance repeated attempts to find and serve Revels-Glick – who appears to have re-partnered by 2017 and was going under the name Glick-Revels Snell -proved unsuccessful.

In July 2018 and in her absence the court ruled against her and her then partner – to whom DailyMail.com could find no record of marriage – to the tune of $11,051.71.

By January 2019, having now reverted to the name Revels-Glick, she was sued in Savannah by Harmony Towne Homeowners Association for breach of contract, but the case was dismissed as, again, court officers were unable to locate her.

The Johnsons recall that there was ‘a lot of traffic’ in and out of her apartment with many men visiting. Johnson said, ‘I don’t know what she did for work and I’m not judging but there were a lot of men and we heard she worked at a strip-club too.’

But he added, ‘She was always nice to talk to, always smiled, said hello to our kids when she was coming in and out.’

And according to Phillips, her sister told her that Revels-Glick was a model tenant. She said, ‘She told my sister she was getting her life back together, but she had nowhere to go so that’s why she was subleasing from her. She always paid on time; she was no trouble.

‘To me it’s just so sad. I was crying after I saw what I saw. I didn’t even know the lady but to think that a person died right there and didn’t get found for so long.

‘Did she cry out for help? I just imagined the pain and suffering because she bled. She bled a lot.’

Cmdr. Oberlander shares Phillips’s sense of the horror of the scene, he said, ‘She suffered a traumatic injury, and she flailed about the inside of that apartment at least to the front living room, through the hallway twice and into the bathroom once, maybe twice.’

But while the civilian witnesses focus on what they saw, the cops looked just as keenly towards what they did not see.

According to Cmdr. Oberlander, ‘There is nothing to indicate that she was the victim of a violent crime.

‘We never found any indication that there was anyone else present in that apartment. The doors were locked and there was no sign of forced entry.’

The few valuables’ Revels-Glick possessed were left untouched and in plain sight.

He continued, ‘There were no handprints or footprints, anything that would indicate a second person inside that apartment.

‘The blood came to just the front portion of the living room, nothing at the front door, nothing at the back door.

‘If somebody was there to do her harm, wouldn’t they have shot her a second time?’

Cops never dusted the gun for prints but were confident that there had been nobody else present when it was fired.

Oberlander said, ‘If you were going to run from the apartment there would be blood going down the stairs, or blood on the back patio or something.

‘And shooting somebody underneath the chin when you’re going to kill them is not the norm.’

Yet by Cmdr. Oberlander’s own admission the scene was not ‘the norm’ for a suicide either.

It was not the norm, and it was not swift and whether it was the result of an intentional or accidental act it was a brutal end to a once promising life.