EXCLUSIVEXL Bully Island revealed: Scottish kennel that attracted £20,000 crowdfunding to become secret 'safe haven' for dangerous dogs is 'filthy' and customers say their pets came home 'emaciated, covered in sores and caked in faeces'

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  • MailOnline interviewed owners of dogs allegedly injured at the Scottish kennels
  • Happas Canine Centre is the ‘secret’ location planned to be an XL Bully shelter
  • But the plans are on the rocks after Scotland is set to introduce a ban on the dog

The kennels earmarked for a secret XL Bully sanctuary in Scotland are being investigated over allegations of ‘dangerous’ conditions and injured dogs.

Kerryanne Shaw, from Glasgow, owns the All Bullie Charity Rescue and received over £21,000 in donations to renovate a kennel as a designated XL Bully shelter.

The 38-year-old refused to disclose the location due to receiving ‘death threats’, but MailOnline can reveal the kennel in question is the Happas Canine Centre, located near Dundee.

But the facility is currently under investigation by the council after a number of reports about the conditions of the kennel and the animals housed there.

MailOnline interviewed those who left their beloved pets at the site who claim they returned with no tails, sores on their bodies and caked in ‘faeces and urine’ – many said their pet was like a ‘different dog’ upon collection.

The GoFundMe page raised thousands of pounds to fix up the kennels in preparation to house the XL Bully dogs – but according to the owner Jeremy Barron’s social media comments, the site just needs a ‘lick of paint’.

When approached by MailOnline, he said ‘there will always be disgruntled customers’ and the ‘allegations by internet trolls are unfounded’.

Earlier this month, First Minister Humza Yousaf confirmed the Scottish Government will ‘in essence replicate’ Westminster legislation banning XL Bully dogs without a licence.

However, Ms Shaw has said she is still ‘working towards’ the XL Bully shelter but is ‘not feeling positive’.

DID YOU TAKE YOUR DOG TO THE SANCTUARY? Email: emily.davies@mailonline.co.uk

Sharing photos of the difference in weight, one dog owner told MailOnline how she could feel her pet's 'her ribs and spine clearly' after they'd stayed at the kennel

Sharing photos of the difference in weight, one dog owner told MailOnline how she could feel her pet’s ‘her ribs and spine clearly’ after they’d stayed at the kennel

A dog owner who asked to remain anonymous due to receiving threats online told MailOnline about her experience when she placed three dogs in the kennels in September 2023 and shared photos of their injuries (pictured are urine burns on her dog)

A dog owner who asked to remain anonymous due to receiving threats online told MailOnline about her experience when she placed three dogs in the kennels in September 2023 and shared photos of their injuries (pictured are urine burns on her dog) 

Kerryanne Shaw, from Glasgow , owns the All Bullie Charity Rescue and received over £21,000 in donations to renovate a kennel as a designated XL Bully shelter

Kerryanne Shaw, from Glasgow , owns the All Bullie Charity Rescue and received over £21,000 in donations to renovate a kennel as a designated XL Bully shelter

Pictured is the exterior of the Happas Canine Centre in May 2023

Pictured is the exterior of the Happas Canine Centre in May 2023

Another local owner who put her two XL Bully dogs - a mother and a male pup - in April for a weekend said they came back smelling so bad she couldn't let them into her house and called a dog groomer to wash them in a van
Another local owner who put her two XL Bully dogs - a mother and a male pup - in April for a weekend said they came back smelling so bad she couldn't let them into her house and called a professional dog groomer to wash them

Another local owner who put her two XL Bully dogs – a mother and a male pup – in April for a weekend said they came back smelling so bad she couldn’t let them into her house and called a professional dog groomer to wash them in a van

According to the kennel’s website, it currently has the capacity to house 56 dogs and 18 cats and includes a ‘dedicated hydrotherapy pool area for dogs requiring help with injury rehabilitation.’

READ MORE: Welcome to XL Bully Island: Woman crowdfunds £20,000 for dangerous dog sanctuary in Scotland – but won’t tell anyone where it is 


Photos of the site seen by MailOnline showed dogs believed to be Mr Barron’s golden retrievers – of which he is a breeder – crammed into small crates indoors or kept in sparse outdoor cages.

Other photos showed dirty bowels empty of food and water and floors covered in dog hair, dog waste and shredded paper.

The kennels where the dogs are kept are shown in videos shared to Ms Shaw’s Facebook of dogs from her rescue charity housed at the site, kept in sparse pens with concrete flooring.

Dog owners who have housed their dogs there in the past also shared photos with MailOnline showing the condition of their pets when they were reunited.

One photo shows an injured dog with bleeding legs after she stayed at the site.

Other posts and reviews claim dogs were returned to them with fractured or missing tails and one person said her dog came back with a fractured toe after staying there for two days.

A dog owner who asked to remain anonymous due to receiving threats online told MailOnline about her experience when she placed her dogs in the kennels for three weeks in September 2023 and shared photos of their injuries.

Upon collecting her three-year-old male dog from the kennel, she ‘immediately’ took him to the vet, and claims he lost 2kg in the time he had stayed there.

She said: ‘When I collected them they were absolutely sodden with urine. They looked physically unwell and distressed. I took my boy dog to the vet immediately as he was in a bad condition.

READ MORE – XL bully dogs to be banned in Scotland after desperate owners bring influx of controversial breed north of the border following regulations in England and Wales


‘My female dog also had open sores from lying in her own urine. They were both physically flinching and terrified.

‘They were so dehydrated they drank and drank – they were not themselves for weeks.

‘The conditions he keeps dogs in are absolute squalor. The place is vile. It’s a disgrace this place is still open and is now being modelled as a rescue centre. It’s a truly horrific place.’ 

Another dog owner who kennelled three dogs at the site for a week told MailOnline her dogs were ‘thin and scared’ after staying there and she suspected they hadn’t been fed the special food she had provided for their allergies.

She said: ‘I had a work trip planned and our usual excellent kennel had to cancel our booking at the last minute. I managed to get our dogs in at Happas and we had no choice but to leave them there.

‘Upon our return, we were told they weren’t expecting us until the next day – which was not what we had arranged. 

‘They brought the dogs out and we were horrified. All three were soaking wet with urine and faeces. Our white bulldog was the worst, he was covered with dried faeces and diarrhoea.

‘The other two were just as bad when they were examined. They were thin and scared. The smell was horrific, and they were hoarse from barking. 

‘After bathing them at home, feeding them and calming them down, we were furious.

‘They were on a grain-free diet due to allergies and I wondered if they had been fed other food and this was why they had diarrhoea.’

BEFORE: Another owner left her beloved pooch in the kennel for two weeks and was shocked at the weight loss upon collecting her

BEFORE: Another owner left her beloved pooch in the kennel for two weeks and was shocked at the weight loss upon collecting her

AFTER: The owner said her dog's claws were cut 'almost to the quick'

AFTER: The owner said her dog’s claws were cut ‘almost to the quick’

Another owner left her beloved pooch in the kennel for two weeks and was shocked at the weight loss upon collecting her.

Sharing photos of the difference in weight, she told MailOnline how she could feel ‘her ribs and spine clearly’ and the dog had lost 6kg in two weeks.

The owner said: ‘She couldn’t get away quick enough – not like her at all. She was jumpy and a bag of nerves for months.

READ MORE: Pictured: XL Bully dogs found dead just days before final ban on breed kicks in – including one that was thrown from a flyover


‘When it’s time to clip her nails it’s like trying to restrain a terrified bull – she screeches and even bites. She’s completely petrified. 

‘It’s like dealing with another dog when the clippers come out. She was never fearful like this before.’ 

A woman who left her golden retriever dog at the kennel for 10 days said her dog came home and ‘just stared at me, shaking and foaming at the mouth’.

She told MailOnline: ‘I thought he’d be well looked after. I was told he would be socialised in the garden twice a day as well as two field walks a day. 

‘When I came to collect him they told me he had kennel cough – but he was vaccinated against kennel cough and he was fine when he arrived at Happas.

‘He had been isolated for the 10 days he had been there, no walks, no outdoor time. 

‘When they let him out he just went crazy, he ran past me in circles. When I got him home I had him checked and it was confirmed he didn’t have kennel cough.

‘He had been isolated with no socialisation, no walks and no interactions. 

‘Once home he wouldn’t settle, he cried constantly, shook, he would just sit and stare at me, foaming at the mouth. 

‘He watched me sleep. He was hoarse from barking so he wretched and coughed a lot. He had severe separation anxiety and had accidents in the house with toileting.

‘The kennel owner told me my dog was fine and this is the way some dogs behave after a kennel visit. It was like speaking to a wall. It was horrendous.’ 

Another owner who put her two XL Bully dogs – a mother and a male pup – there in April for a weekend said they came back smelling so bad she couldn’t let them into her house and called a professional dog groomer to wash them in a van.

She said: ‘I asked for them to be in separate kennels because they would have a tiff if kept together for too long.

‘Once you walk in the place is really absolutely filthy and really run down, but at the time there was no other place accepting XL Bullies.

‘I collected them and got in the car. One dog had his slip lead around his neck and it was broken, so I don’t know how long he had that on.

‘One of the beds was returned covered in sick in a bin bag. I got in the car and the smell of the dogs made me sick.

‘I eventually got a hold of a dog groomer who came out an hour later – I couldn’t let the dogs in the house, it was an absolutely disgusting smell. I haven’t smelled anything like it.’

A man who put four of his dogs in the kennel said one of them came back with a fractured tail and the rest had lost weight and suffered urine burns.

He left his two terriers there – one of which was elderly with hip problems – along with two larger dogs. He asked for the large dogs to be kept in a separate kennel, as one was seven months old and too boisterous to be kept with the smaller ones.

The owner told MailOnline: ‘All four of the dogs are amazing dogs with kind, loving temperaments.

‘At the time of drop off we did ask to take our dogs through to their accommodation but were told it was a busy morning and they didn’t have the time.

‘We trusted them – it all seemed very polite and very professional. It was reassuring to us and thought they would take care of our dogs.

‘When we picked them up it was obvious they all had lost weight. We got their box of food back and barely anything was gone.’

The owner added that he had given the kennel a box of freshly cleaned toys for the dogs, but he could tell they hadn’t been played with as they were ‘sparkling clean’.

He continued: ‘Our dogs looked so sad and so ill. We put them all in the car and about three minutes after driving off the stench hit us. The dogs were stinking.

‘The two big dogs were so dirty – they were sticky where they had urine burns from laying in urine soaked bedding. 

‘They were terribly dehydrated, they drank and drank as soon as their bowls were filled. I have never seen dogs drink so much at one time.

‘The collars were brown – I pushed my fingernail across one and a curl of pure sticky filth came away. The grime was so thick you couldn’t see the fabric.’

He took his dogs to the vet, who he says confirmed the urine burns and that their claws had worn to the quick, likely from pacing on concrete.

One of his dogs had a fractured tail – he said the vet told him his dog had been in ‘great pain’ and should have been treated immediately and given pain medication.

He added: ‘It breaks my heart that we left our furry bairns there. This place is a hell hole.’

The kennel has a slew of negative reviews on Google, with one person claiming: ‘My dog was here and has been here once before, where she was tied up to the kennel door so much that she chewed through her lead and she lost her voice due to the choking and distress-barking.

‘I have been left with a lot of guilt about leaving her here and I definitely made a big mistake doing so.’ 

Another review read: ‘My friend left his dog over the weekend and when he picked him up the dog was in immense pain, and his tail had somehow been cut off. 

‘All that remained was a bloody stump with a bit skin hanging off, staff didn’t seem to know how this happened. Shocking duty of care for people who are supposed to be looking after beloved pets.’

The GoFundMe page for the XL Bully shelter says the thousands of pounds donated will be spent on ‘essential improvement and upgrades’.

It reads: ‘I run All Bullie Charity rescue – we are a bull breed specific charity and specialise in large bull breeds, many of whom are being targeted by the XL Bully ban.

A GoFundMe set up by the All Bullie Charity rescue has received thousands of pounds

A GoFundMe set up by the All Bullie Charity rescue has received thousands of pounds

The 38-year-old refused to disclose the location due to receiving 'death threats', but MailOnline can reveal the kennel in question is the Happas Canine Centre, located near Dundee. Ms Shaw is pictured with five-year-old American bulldog George

The 38-year-old refused to disclose the location due to receiving ‘death threats’, but MailOnline can reveal the kennel in question is the Happas Canine Centre, located near Dundee. Ms Shaw is pictured with five-year-old American bulldog George

‘We have been given a fantastic opportunity to take over a kennels establishment in Scotland and move on site to work with our dogs daily.

‘This will be a safe haven for our dogs who cannot be re-homed due to behaviour or risk of the ban coming into force in Scotland, as well as allowing us to personally assess and rehab dogs before placing them into homes.

‘The kennel needs some essential improvement and upgrades, and we also need a static caravan for me to live in as well as my own dogs.

‘We need to upgrade the shutter system, drainage and heating as well as clearing some ground to create large suitable paddocks for the dogs to enjoy some play time as well as more minor upgrades.

‘Please consider donating and help us keep our beautiful dogs safe from euthanasia.’

Speaking about the ban coming to Scotland, she said that if the plans for the centre do fall through, she will focus on helping families who want to keep their dog but cannot afford the exemption process or neutering.

Mr Barron told MailOnline he is not under investigation by the council, and claims the local authority has two dogs residing with him.

He said: ‘Allegations by internet trolls are unfounded and yes I was reported to the council and SSPCA, who by duty have to follow up all complaints to them. This has been a few over the last few weeks and every time they have been here they have given me the all clear.

‘There will always be disgruntled customers, especially when I have over 1500 bookings a year. I get very little complaints compared to the volume of dogs I have.

‘Yes there was an incident where one dog lost a tail this year in a freak accident which happened when a dog pulled a tail though a small gap – a gap allowed for in legislation as less than the size prohibited.

‘This was fully investigated by council and changes agreed to be installed over winter maintenance.’

‘I have nothing to do with the charity wishing to use the kennels in the future. No lease is signed and won’t be signed until the relevant licences have been granted by the council.’

However, a spokesperson for Angus Council told MailOnline: ‘Angus Council has received a number of complaints with regards to a kennels business in the Forfar area and our Animal Health Officer has visited and inspected the premises along with colleagues from the SSPCA as part of an ongoing investigation.’