Horoscope 2024: What do the celestial archer's arrows of inspiration have in store for you? After a tumultuous 12 months, 2024 heralds a bold new era of positive change thanks to a planetary alignment that signifies happiness, security and success

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What a challenging year 2023 was. Global instability was tested to dangerous degrees, with intense Pluto, signifying transformation and rebirth, moving in and out of unpredictable Aquarius. The good news is that 2024 is going to be different.

Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are moving towards a bow-and-arrow alignment and will combine to usher in an era of change that will positively influence our outlook until the end of the decade. Not only that, but the energy these cosmic powerhouses create will forge arrows of inspiration that will enable us all to improve our lives.

From April, the spotlight falls on lucky Jupiter and innovative Uranus. As they link for the first time in more than a decade, we’ll be able to direct this transformational energy in exciting ways.

This year’s journey is about following our hearts and pursuing our dreams. The Celestial Archer is a cosmic promise that 2024 can be transformational. Armed with arrows of inspiration, we’ll be ready to soar to new heights of happiness, security and success. The future is brighter than we think.


March 21 – April 20

The early part of 2024 is dominated by a solar eclipse in your sign in April, followed by the Jupiter/Uranus convergence. With your energy hitting new levels, you’ll be able to increase the effectiveness of the resources you’ve already got.

The eclipse’s trail of passion increases your self-confidence, enabling you to boost your material wellbeing. Your ability to charm will change a key relationship in ways that add depth and meaning.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) says 2024 will be a big year for Sagittarians

Oscar Cainer (pictured) says 2024 will be a big year for Sagittarians

This celestial positivity needs to be activated by an attitude shift. If you’re open to perceiving different ways of relating to the world and people around you, an old mindset, which has stopped you from realising your dreams, can be replaced by self-belief. The repercussions will affect your career, offering exciting new avenues to explore.

Your love life in 2024: This year, the stars encourage you to open up and share your feelings. If that sounds scary, you might need to let whoever you’re with take the reins for a bit. The confidence you need will come — and with it, a more enriched relationship. April 5, when Venus enters Aries, is when you are at your most magnetic.

For valuable news about your prospects in 2024, visit cainer.com/dm 


April 21 – May 21

For Taureans, 2024 is a year of change. April’s powerful Jupiter/Uranus convergence is when you start to feel the shift. Jupiter has been bringing extra oomph to your sign for almost a year, but in 2024 Uranus radically affects its influence. As your ability to adapt is enhanced, you’ll find new ways to approach challenges that guarantee progress.

By the time Jupiter leaves your sign (in May), the personal development you’ve experienced during its residency will start to pay dividends. And in late August, when dynamic Mars squares Neptune, your vision of the future will be rosier.

Jemima Cainer (pictured) says Tauruses have a wealth of romantic opportunities coming their way this year

Jemima Cainer (pictured) says Tauruses have a wealth of romantic opportunities coming their way this year

Whether in financial matters, affairs of the heart or day-to-day life, issues you care about will benefit from the Celestial Archer’s arrows. And the passion and commitment you invest in everything will be rewarded.

Your love life: This year won’t be perfect (no year ever is) but your romantic outlook is very promising. With Jupiter in your sign until May, there are a wealth of opportunities coming your way. On May 23, as Venus conjuncts Jupiter, expect earth-shatteringly exciting moves in your romantic life.

Want to know why 2024 is so inspiring and positive? Visit cainer.com/dmfree


May 22 – June 22

In May 2024, under the watchful gaze of the Celestial Archer, Jupiter (signifying hope, adventure, optimism) enters your sign for the first time in 12 years. Its arrival affirms your belief in your own abilities, so you’re more confident about the decisions you make. It’s a time to focus on your goals.

April is a pivotal month. As Jupiter makes its last pitstop before entering your sign, it combines with Uranus, calling you to revaluate what you want, and to focus on your core principles.

In September, when your ruler Mercury adds its attributes to the Archer’s arrows, you’ll have a greater understanding about where your true goals lie.

With Jupiter as your compass, you’ll be clear about which avenues are best left unexplored, and those that hold promise.

Your love life: In the recipe of love, ratios matter. Jupiter, moving into your sign in May, encourages you to be generous. But it’s no good throwing more flour into the mix, when more sweetness or spice is required. The good news is that, with your ability to spot where things don’t quite balance, you can inspire someone, so you both provide what’s needed to create something delectable. ay 23-26 is a key period for you. First, Venus moves into Gemini; then, exciting romantic opportunities are amplified by lucky Jupiter.

For great news about the possibilities that await in 2024 visit cainer.com/dailymail 


June 23 – July 23

The Celestial Archer’s arrows of inspiration affect the whole zodiac, but as the Moon, your ruler, waxes and wanes, there are key moments when their impact focuses on you.

Whether it’s the Soltice Full Moon on June 20, August’s Blue Moon, or October’s Super Moon Grand Cross, you’re at the hub of cosmic action. But in a year filled with potential, it’s September’s lunar eclipse that brings the most significant peak.

Jupiter and Uranus’s convergence in April sets the scene. It heralds a breakthrough in a relationship you’ve worked hard to develop.

By sensitively harnessing the strength of The Archer, you’ll be able to let go of the self-doubt that holds you back. You can now begin creating a future where you’re free to explore your heart’s desires.

Your love life: Taking the occasional step back in 2024 gives you the confidence to trust someone. If you put the amazing energy you invest into caring about other people into your own wellbeing, you’ll flourish. As will those you love. The New Moon on May 8 brings a powerful combination of passion and purpose. Seize the moment.

There’s hope on your horizon in 2024! Visit cainer.com/dailymail


July 24 – August 23

The action begins in April with a fiery solar eclipse followed by the Jupiter/Uranus convergence. Together, these astral directors inspire you to change the way you approach life’s challenges.

You’ve had to present an image that suited the expectations of others. As you find ways to challenge their assumptions, your ability to thrive leads to recognition and success.

You just need to find the confidence to react in ways that honour your deepest feelings.

When your ruler moves into peak position with The Archer in September, it brings opportunities to develop hidden talents, set new targets and change the way you go about your business.

Take advantage of the openings coming your way. It could be the most rewarding investment you’ll ever make.

Your love life: This year, the connection you crave and the understanding you seek is likely to come from unexpected places/people. By shifting your approach, you stand a greater chance of getting what you want (and need) on an emotional level.

If you can show your softer side, love and understanding will be the result. On June 4, Venus links to your ruler. With romance top of your agenda, voice your needs. There’s a good chance they’ll be met.

Don’t miss out! For insights, on your outlook for 2024, visit cainer.com/dmfree 


August 24 – September 23

With Jupiter spending much of the year boosting your chances of success, you’re perfectly placed to make the most of the opportunities coming your way. Before you start maximising your potential, however, there is learning to be done.

April’s Jupiter/Uranus convergence encourages you to explore a new philosophy that changes the way you view your role in the world. As Jupiter changes signs in May, you can build on your reputation.

This is your chance to reap the rewards of your efforts. Armed with increased influence, your ability to profit from The Archer’s opportunities will lead you into uncharted territories of success.

Your love life: Major shifts are shaking up all aspects of your world. Don’t deny yourself a chance to experience the fulfilment you deserve or miss out on affection because you’re too busy with other things.

The changes taking place bring possibilities of romance. As Venus links with your retrograde ruler Mercury on April 19, could someone from the past be someone to share your future with?

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September 24 – October 23

In 2024, you’ll find ways to change how you relate to the world so your life has greater joy, passion and meaning. The Celestial Archer enables you to find magic in the mundane. In April, the Jupiter/Uranus convergence brings the insight to enable you to change how (and in whom) you invest your energy. If you alter the way you do things, it will give you more say in the direction your life is headed.

As Jupiter changes signs (in May), your newfound sense of empowerment helps you explore experiences that once seemed out of reach. In 2024, life can become as beautiful as you always dreamed it could be.

Your love life: This year, inspired by Jupiter, you’re better equipped to express your needs. It might sound challenging, but it’s the way to build a balanced connection. You have the power to decide what happens. You’ve got everything you need to develop a relationship that brings happiness. Venus moving into your opposite sign on April 5 highlights potential partnerships.

There’s hope on your horizon in 2024! Visit cainer.com/dailymail 


October 24 – November 22

With your ruler, Pluto, moving back and forth between signs in 2023, stability was hard to come by. In 2024, with Pluto’s final trajectory into Aquarius, you’ll see how the turmoil you’ve experienced has shaped you into a force to be reckoned with.

Now, your inner strength will be the superpower you can use to transform your world. By April’s Jupiter/Uranus convergence, you have the determination to realise your potential.

Having found stability hard to come by in 2023, Scorpios will be able to use their inner strength to transform their world and realise their potential

Having found stability hard to come by in 2023, Scorpios will be able to use their inner strength to transform their world and realise their potential

Jupiter’s change of signs (in May) encourages you to deepen the bonds that tie you to others. There are untapped resources waiting to be discovered. The more enthusiasm you show, the more your faith will be rewarded.

October’s Super Moon Grand Cross enables you to communicate what’s in your heart and reap the benefits of sharing your passions. By the time Pluto leaves Capricorn (in November), you’ll realise how your insecurities were based on shadows that have disappeared. You’ll no longer be letting fear govern the choices you make or stop you committing to relationships you want to explore.

Your love life: Now’s your chance to ensure you’re treated the way you deserve. By respecting your own needs, you can work towards creating a wonderful partnership. Finding the freedom to be you brings chances to dance in the arms of someone supportive. February 13-17th offers you a chance to fulfil your deepest desires.

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November 23 – December 21

This is a big year for Sagittarians. The overarching celestial constellation represented by a centaur with a bow (the Celestial Archer) isn’t the only influence at play. In April, as Jupiter, your ruler, meets with Uranus, you’ll feel your life shifting in electrifying ways.

In 2023, your ability to express yourself was hampered by increased responsibilities. April’s Jupiter/Uranus convergence encourages you to do things differently. It’s about choosing new, exciting options that offer more inspiring ways forwards, while still honouring your commitments. By accepting that you’re on a journey, and that your companions are partners on your travels, your enthusiasm for what life has to offer will be rebooted.

It’s your ability to do the unexpected that leads to a future that will fulfil you.

Your love life: As your ruler, Jupiter, moves into Gemini (in May) your new-found ability to let go will bring more love into your life and might lead to action that surprises you.

Greater compatibility is possible within your current relationship. And if you’re looking for love, sharing your true self enhances your chances of finding it. January 29 is an auspicious date for a love that will last.

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December 22 – January 20

Textbooks all describe you as sensible, dedicated and industrious. ‘Exciting creativity’ and ‘adventurous experimenters’ aren’t, in theory, traditional Capricorn characteristics. But we know differently.

Your magic lies in the way you align imagination with logic, ingenuity with practicality, and visionary ideas with determination. That’s why the Jupiter/Uranus convergence in April is so exciting.

Combined with the power of the Celestial Archer, the cosmos gifts you with the resources to transform your life. You’re more adaptable than you think. And when Jupiter changes signs in May, you’ll be more than able to cope: you’re starting to see how you can thrive in an ever-changing world.

The power of the Celestrial Archer combined with the cosmos gifts you the resources to transform your life

The power of the Celestrial Archer combined with the cosmos gifts you the resources to transform your life

The Archer encourages you to be imaginative and optimistic. You’ll have the ideas, creativity and experience to find innovative ways to get what you desire. It represents a transition between your old life and a more meaningful existence — the freedom to embrace opportunities and fulfil your potential in ways you never dreamed possible.

Your love life: This year, if you let someone see your softer side, you’ll give them a chance to offer you the comfort you seek. Venus moves into your sign on January 23 and matters of the heart get serious. It is time to make a commitment.

Want to know why 2024 is so inspiring and positive? Visit cainer.com/dmfree 


January 21 – February 19

Of all the zodiac signs, you’re best equipped to handle The Archer’s influence. And this year you’ll find the resourcefulness to guarantee that any changes will be positive.

In April, as Jupiter converges with your ruler, Uranus, its intensity has dramatic consequences. A radical change is called for, which to some might seem shocking but to you it will appear logical. This is an adventure that brings personal and professional growth.

You’ll relish the chance to rise to challenges — they represent opportunities to experience the rewards that come with hard work and an innovative attitude. In 2024, you stand to gain much more than you ever thought possible.

Your love life: Pluto, the planet of transformation, slowly moves towards settling, in November, for an extended stay in your sign, so expect months of profound, significant change. Finding the courage to express your innermost self will have a powerful effect on your romantic life. When Venus enters your sign on February 16, your love life takes an adventurous turn.

For brilliant news about your prospects in 2024, visit cainer.com/dm 


February 20 – March 20

You’re good at building your own world and exploring how it relates to what’s going on around you. In 2024, you’ll discover just how useful this talent can be.

In April, as Jupiter, your traditional ruler, converges with Uranus while approaching your modern ruler, Neptune (in May), you’ll find new ways of communicating your passions. This seismic cosmic event brings the courage to translate opportunities into exciting progress. And that’s only the start of the year’s potential.

As Jupiter changes signs (in May), you’ll be able to build on that spark, and create a route to success. With Saturn spending its last complete year in Pisces, you can create a more solid base. Whenever this feels like hard work, The Archer brings support.

While 2024 involves significant change, you’re more than capable of rising to its challenges and you’ll enjoy investigating new ways of expressing your creativity.

Your love life: Just because ‘dream-come-true’ relationships are rare/impossible, doesn’t mean you can’t come close. What do you really want for your birthday? Romantic encounters are on the cards — especially when Venus conjoins Neptune on April 3.

2024 will be much better than you think! For insight, visit cainer.com/dm