How did Imran Khan, once the dashing playboy of Mayfair, end up serving 14 years in a Pakistani prison that friends fear he may never get out of alive?

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Back in the days when he was a world-famous ­cricketer and playboy extra­ordinaire, Imran Khan’s Knightsbridge apartment, which had a ­mirrored dining room and a painted tiger mural, was described by one visitor as having ‘a bedroom of great expectations’.

Khan’s success as a charismatic, aggressive fast bowler was matched only by his reputation as a smoulderingly handsome lothario. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, he had ­London society — and some of its most beautiful women — lying at his feet.

This week, as he languished in an overcrowded Punjabi prison, Pakistan’s former prime minister could have been forgiven for looking back wistfully on those glamorous, hedonistic times.

Imran Khan at The Oval in south London in 1987, a few years before his political career began

Imran Khan at The Oval in south London in 1987, a few years before his political career began

After facing the latest in a swathe of ­criminal charges laid against him in his home country, Khan has been told he will spend, at the very least, the next 14 years behind bars for crimes including corruption, inciting violence and leaking state secrets — all of which he vehemently denies.

Barred from standing in Pakistan’s general election next week, the 71-year-old’s ­supporters say that the 170 ongoing legal cases that he is still battling are a politically motivated attempt to keep his name off the ballot sheet and isolate him from backers.

Undeterred by their leader languishing in jail, his embattled party has adopted ­unconventional methods to mobilise his backers, including using AI voice generation to deliver his speeches from notes passed to his lawyers.

More, later, of the political machinations which have seen Khan confined, with just a static bike for exercise, in a heavily-guarded cell in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi, a few miles south of capital Islamabad.

Police escort Khan into the high court in Islamabad, Pakistan, for his trial in May last year

Police escort Khan into the high court in Islamabad, Pakistan, for his trial in May last year

For as the Mail has learned after speaking to his friends and associates this week, the scuppering of Khan’s political dreams could be the least of his worries.

In a country where political assassinations are rife and the death penalty still in place for some of the crimes with which he has been charged, the future for the devoutly religious politician, who survived an assassin’s bullets just over a year ago, is now perilous.

‘We fear he could be assassinated in prison,’ one of his supporters, Ghulam Bilal Javed, told the Mail this week. ‘He has been attacked twice in the past and this time too we can expect anything from our opponents. We are very concerned about Imran Khan’s life.’

Also watching this week’s sinister developments are Khan’s two sons, Sulaiman and Kasim, from his ­decade-long marriage to ­billionaire heiress, journalist and screenwriter Jemima Goldsmith. This week, as her former husband was brought before a behind-closed-doors trial held in prison to be handed first, a ten-year prison sentence, and a day later, a 14-year sentence to run concurrently, his glamorous ex-wife was quietly celebrating her 50th birthday.

Jemima Goldsmith in 2012 with the two sons she had with Khan, Sulaiman and Kasim

Jemima Goldsmith in 2012 with the two sons she had with Khan, Sulaiman and Kasim

Although divorced for 20 years, there is no ill will between them and friends of the family tell me that Khan is uppermost in their minds.

A prison source told the Mail this week that Khan, who has been behind bars since his arrest in August last year by anti-corruption officials, has been allowed to speak just twice on the phone to 27-year-old Sulaiman and 24-year-old Kasim in London.

‘They used to speak to him regularly but now they are allowed only intermittent calls,’ a friend of Khan’s also told me this week.

‘They love him and they worry about him but they have learnt to live with having a father who’s on a mission which means they don’t get to have a father in the way that other young men do. I think they accept that and are at peace with it.’

The last time Sulaiman and Kasim saw their father was in November 2022 when they flew to his hospital bedside after he was shot twice in the right leg while giving a speech to supporters in Wazirabad, Punjab, by an assassin wielding an AK-47.

Despite his seemingly hopeless situation, Khan’s friend told the Mail this week that he is in ‘typically stoical’ mood. ‘He’s able to find peace in his books and prayer and reflection and reading and exercise,’ said the friend.

Prison insiders also say that he is receiving VIP treatment despite being locked up in Adiala jail’s high-security zone. Two cells have been knocked into one large white-washed room with a veranda measuring 80 ft by 60 ft in which Khan lives alone, ­monitored by 24-hour CCTV cameras. For security reasons, the cells surrounding his are being kept empty.

The couple at Richmond Registry Office in west London after their civil wedding in June 1995

The couple at Richmond Registry Office in west London after their civil wedding in June 1995

He has a chair, a table and a bed with four pillows, as well as a fan and an electric heater. For entertainment there is a 21 in television on which he can watch only the state TV channel, PTV. He has been provided with four copies of the Koran and 25 history books of his own choice, and given access to the English-language newspaper, Dawn.

Each morning, he wakes early for pre-dawn prayers and Koran reading before exercising and eating a breakfast of bread, egg, yoghurt and honey brought to him by a prisoner servant, who cooks and cleans for him and washes his clothes for payment.

Comfortable, no doubt, by Pakistan prison standards but all of this is a far cry from Khan’s former life of luxury.

He first came to the UK in 1971 — the same year he made his debut for ­Pakistan’s national cricket team. He was privately ­educated in the sixth-form at the Royal ­Grammar School, Worcester, and went on to Keble College, Oxford, where he read ­geography before ­switching to politics, ­philosophy and economics.

By then, he was grabbing the cricketing world’s attention as an aggressive fast bowler. And while his cricket career flourished, so too did his Casanova reputation.

By the late 1970s, he was a regular at fabled London ­private members’ clubs Tramp and Annabel’s, establishments adored by royalty and aristocracy alike. Aside from a steady stream of ‘mystery blondes’ who made him fodder for gossip columnists, his dates and girlfriends included the likes of Goldie Hawn and Stephanie ­Beacham as well as girl-about-town Susannah Constantine, Lady Liza Campbell and society artist Emma Sergeant.

‘No man looks as ­devastating as Imran,’ the model Marie Helvin once said. ‘Everyone falls for him. He has a scent that is very attractive to women.’

Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi at the High Court, in Lahore on July 17 last year

Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi at the High Court, in Lahore on July 17 last year

Teetotal and non-smoking, Khan once said that meeting women was among ‘the very decadent pleasures in life’ which he enjoyed.

His fairy-tale marriage to Jemima, the daughter of ­billionaire financier Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, brought an end to his bachelor years and was splashed all over the pages of Hello! magazine in 1995.

Jemima, who was 21 when she wed then 43-year-old Khan, converted to Islam and the couple moved to live with Khan’s wealthy family in Lahore. He launched his ­political party the following year when he and Jemima also made headlines thanks to a high-profile visit from ­Princess Diana. Khan later admitted that politics and family failed to mix.

While his private life was ‘raked over’ in the media by his political opponents, ­Jemima also paid a heavy price for her husband’s ­political ambitions. He said critics in Pakistan would attack her to get at him, using her Jewish ancestry to accuse her of being part of a Zionist plot to take over the country.

READ MORE: How did Imran Khan, once the dashing playboy of Mayfair, end up serving 14 years in a Pakistani prison that friends fear he may never get out of alive?


The couple divorced, amicably, in 2004 with Jemima returning to the UK with their sons who visited their father during the school holidays.

In an article she wrote for the Independent in December last year, Jemima wrote that ‘my Jewishness was used as a baton to beat my politician ex-husband Imran Khan, in Pakistan, where Zionist conspiracy theories about me were fabricated. This led to decades of death threats and threats of rape and violence towards me and my children which continue to this day.’

The family friend who spoke to the Mail this week said ‘the utterly ridiculous suggestion of a Zionist conspiracy makes it difficult for family members in the UK to be vocal in their support of Imran’.

The gulf between Khan’s life and his sons’ lives in the West could not be wider. While Khan has dedicated his life to rooting out the corruption rife in Pakistani politics, Sulaiman and Kasim, who both studied at Bristol University, have been quietly forging their careers in the UK.

Sulaiman is an account executive for a Scottish company selling more than 1,000 types of whisky via its boutique hotel in Banffshire and an upmarket bar in London. Kasim, meanwhile, launched a marketing app in November last year aimed at connecting influencers with brands.

Both sons are close to their mother, who runs her own London-based film company, Instinct Productions and wrote and produced her first major film, What’s Love Got To Do With It?, a cross-­cultural romcom that came out in 2022 about love and marriage starring Lily James and Emma Thompson. All this serves as a stark reminder of the life Khan left behind when he launched his Tehreek-e-Insaf or ‘Movement for Justice’ party back in 1996 and, according to some, the life he could have again if he gave up politics.

‘He could have a fabulous ­lifestyle here in the West,’ his friend told me this week. ‘I still believe he could. I’ve heard from senior, well-­connected Pakistanis that if he were to do a deal and agree to leave politics and Pakistan, he’d be out the next day.

‘He could be back in London ­having dinner in one of Mayfair’s private members’ clubs in a couple of days. His opponents just want him to leave, but he won’t because he believes that would taint and corrupt his whole mission.’

Khan remains a powerful and yet divisive figure in Pakistan. For some of the country’s 240 million citizens he is an anti-­establishment hero. To his opponents, he is power-crazy and corrupt.

He was elected prime minister in 2018 with an image as a pious reformer dedicated to fighting ­corruption. But, amid reports that his ­relationship had soured with the all-powerful military, which has dominated Pakistan since it was partitioned from India in 1947, he was ousted by a vote of no ­confidence, in 2022.

Khan, Jemima and Sulaiman, two, in London in June 1999. They divorced five years later

Khan, Jemima and Sulaiman, two, in London in June 1999. They divorced five years later

Khan, however, refused to go ­quietly. Buoyed up by thousands of his supporters protesting in cities across Pakistan, he claimed that the U.S. government was behind his removal from power, allegedly because they were unhappy about his visit to Vladimir Putin in ­Moscow the previous month to discuss plans for a gas pipeline.

This claim, which the U.S. denies, was behind one of the most serious charges brought against Khan — the ‘cypher case’ in which he was accused of leaking state secrets in the form of a sensitive diplomatic cable sent to Islamabad from Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington.

It was for this alleged crime that Khan was convicted last Tuesday after a closed trial, held in prison, which his lawyers say they were not allowed to attend. Khan has called the trial a ‘sham’ and has said he will appeal.

His lawyer, Shoaib Shaheen, told the Mail: ‘There was a chance of the death penalty in the cypher case but that is done now. The conviction is ­unconstitutional and illegal. The government wants to demoralise his voters and take him out of the election process.’

The former cricket hero in 1983 with his young sons, Kasim, left and Sulaiman

The former cricket hero in 1983 with his young sons, Kasim, left and Sulaiman

A day after being handed the ten-year sentence, a second closed trial saw Khan — and third wife, divorced faith healer Bushra Bibi — sentenced to 14 years after being accused of making ‘false statements and incorrect declarations’ about gifts given to him while he was prime minister. Bibi is under house arrest in Islamabad.

Those close to Khan are undoubtedly paying a heavy price for his political ambitions.

His sons, according to the family friend, ‘have learnt to live with their lot. They know the cross they bear’.

It is Khan himself who has surely paid the heaviest price of all. Until now, he has remained defiant in the face of adversity, urging his supporters to turn out next week for the general election even if they cannot vote for him.

But, stuck behind bars for the foreseeable future, disqualified from running for political office and with yet more charges coming his way, his vision of a ‘new ­Pakistan’ where wealth is shared, appears to be lying in tatters.