Lesbian priest couple are among first gay blessings conducted by Church of England during Sunday services today

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#Lesbian #priest #couple #among #gay #blessings #conducted #Church #England #Sunday #services #today

  • The shift has divided church members, with some feeling it is being taken too far
  • READ MORE: Justin Welby rules out performing blessings for same-sex couples 

A lesbian priest couple were among the first same-sex partnerships to be blessed in the Church of England Sunday services today.

Known as prayers of love and faith, the blessings will be used as part of regular services from today after they were approved by the House of Bishops just days ago. 

The shift has divided church members, with some welcoming the blessings as progress while other believe they have gone too far. Others feel the real change needed is marital recognition. 

Photographs show same-sex priests Catherine Bond and Jane Pearce holding hands as they were blessed at St John the Baptist church in Felixstowe, Suffolk, earlier today. 

In February, the church’s General Synod – otherwise known as its Parliament – voted in favour of offering blessings to same-sex couples in civil partnerships and marriages, following a near-eight-hour debate across two days.

The House of Bishops met online on Tuesday to confirm its earlier decision to commend the prayers for use in regular public worship such as Sunday Eucharist or Evensong, agreeing this should take effect from this weekend. The motion was passed by 24 votes to 11, with three abstentions.

Catherine Bond (left) and Jane Pearce (right) following being blessed at St John the Baptist church in Felixstowe, Suffolk

Catherine Bond (left) and Jane Pearce (right) following being blessed at St John the Baptist church in Felixstowe, Suffolk

The first ever gay blessings have been carried out in Church of England Sunday services today

The first ever gay blessings have been carried out in Church of England Sunday services today

Catherine and Jane held hands as they were blessed at the service today

Catherine and Jane held hands as they were blessed at the service today 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said he 'joyfully' welcomed the blessings proposals but added that he will not personally carry them out due to his 'pastoral responsibility for the whole communio

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said he ‘joyfully’ welcomed the blessings proposals but added that he will not personally carry them out due to his ‘pastoral responsibility for the whole communio

READ MORE: Justin Welby rules out personally performing blessings for same-sex couples due to his ‘pastoral responsibility for the communion’


There has been no legislative change in the church and the decision for clergy to offer blessings voluntary. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, previously said he ‘joyfully’ welcomed the blessings proposals but added that he will not personally carry them out due to his ‘pastoral responsibility for the whole communion’.

Reverend Nigel Pietroni, chair of the Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England, said it is a ‘small step’ but welcomed it as progress nonetheless.

He said: ‘Until this moment same-sex couples have not officially been able to be prayed with, though they have undoubtedly been prayed for, but they’ve never been officially recognised.

‘So this really is a moment for the first time that same-sex couples will be able to be prayed for legitimately within a church setting – and that is quite a moment.’

He added that he and his husband will not avail of the prayers because he said he feels his marriage is already blessed, adding that they are ‘waiting for the moment when same-sex marriages are fully welcomed by the church’.

Reverend Dr David Monteith, the dean of Canterbury Cathedral, is ‘personally pleased’ at the use of the prayers, a spokesman said, adding: ‘This is something which up to now was not available to him and his male civil-partner.’

The shift has divided church members, with some welcoming the blessings as progress while other believe they have gone too far

The shift has divided church members, with some welcoming the blessings as progress while other believe they have gone too far

Catherine and Jane celebrate after being one of the first same-sex couples to be blessed in the Church of England Sunday service

Catherine and Jane celebrate after being one of the first same-sex couples to be blessed in the Church of England Sunday service

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Reverend Dr Rob Munro, greeted the news with 'great sorrow'

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Reverend Dr Rob Munro, greeted the news with ‘great sorrow’

Catherine and Jane Pearce being blessed at St John the Baptist church today

Catherine and Jane Pearce being blessed at St John the Baptist church today 

But he acknowledged that there are ‘many different heart-felt positions held about whether this is a good or bad development’ within the church.

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Reverend Dr Rob Munro, greeted the news with ‘great sorrow’.

In a statement issued on the day of their approval, he advised against use of the prayers, saying: ‘My strong recommendation is that you not only do not use the prayers, but also consider carefully how you will respond to those who choose to do so.’

Discussions are continuing within the church on separate proposals for the formal authorisation under canon law of special standalone services for same-sex couples.

It had been thought approval for these might not come for well over a year, but a November vote was narrowly passed with an amendment for some special services to go ahead sooner, temporarily, under separate legislation.