Moment shoplifter punches Tesco worker in car park after she's caught stealing four bottles of vodka

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  • Joleen Maughan, 37, also threatened staff with a needle as she was confronted
  • The thief tried to steal the £96 worth of alcohol in Hampton near Peterborough

This is the moment a prolific shoplifter punched a Tesco worker in the face when she was confronted in a car park after stealing four bottles of vodka.

Joleen Maughan, 37, also threatened staff with a needle when they followed her out of the store as she tried to make off with the £96 worth of alcohol.

CCTV footage shows her picking out the bottles of booze and putting them in her bag, before she sneakily covers the loot with a coat over her shoulder. 

But on her way out of the Tesco extra store at Serpentine Green in Hampton, near Peterborough, staff became aware of the theft and pursued her.

The three staff members eventually closed in and surrounded Maughan but she refused to give up the goods.

Joleen Maughan, 37, also threatened staff with a needle when they followed her out of the store as she tried to make off with the £96 worth of alcohol

Joleen Maughan, 37, also threatened staff with a needle when they followed her out of the store as she tried to make off with the £96 worth of alcohol

The prolific shoplifter punched a Tesco worker in the face when she was confronted in a car park after stealing four bottles of vodka

The prolific shoplifter punched a Tesco worker in the face when she was confronted in a car park after stealing four bottles of vodka

CCTV footage shows her picking out the bottles of booze and putting them in her bag

CCTV footage shows her picking out the bottles of booze and putting them in her bag

The experienced thief then sneakily covers the loot with a coat over her shoulder - before walking brazely out of the store

The experienced thief then sneakily covers the loot with a coat over her shoulder – before walking brazely out of the store

When one member of staff attempts to grab the bottles out of her bag – Maughan twists and punches her straight in the face.

Police were called to the area and found Maughan nearby.

She was charged with assault and theft from the shop on March 20 before appearing at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court on March 21, but was released on bail.

However only two weeks later, on April 2, Maughan was back to thieving.

She was spotted by CCTV operators entering Boots in Queensgate Shopping Centre and later leaving with two Ted Baker gift boxes. 

But the prolific troublemaker had already been banned from the shopping centre after she was slapped with a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) in July last year.

CCTV continued to monitor her as she walked to another shop in Park Road where she was arrested by the Peterborough City Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) on suspicion of theft from a shop and breaching her CBO.

She was later charged with theft from a shop in court, and breaching her CBO.

The three staff members eventually closed in and surrounded Maughan but she refuses to give up the goods

The three staff members eventually closed in and surrounded Maughan but she refuses to give up the goods

Maughan stole the vodka from a Tesco extra store at Serpentine Green in Hampton, near Peterborough (pictured in 2017)

Maughan stole the vodka from a Tesco extra store at Serpentine Green in Hampton, near Peterborough (pictured in 2017)

Maughan, of Dogsthorpe, appeared at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, April 4, where she was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison after admitting all offences.

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She has also been ordered to pay £50 in compensation to the victim of the assault.

PC Ruth Watson, from the city centre NPT, said: ‘Assaults and abuse towards retail staff is unacceptable and no one should be subjected to this treatment, especially in the workplace.

‘The CBO gives us greater powers when it comes to Maughan’s offending, as if she is found to be in breach of the order, we are able to arrest her and put her back before the courts.’

Tesco has been contacted for comment. 

Maughan’s shoplifting spree comes after Rishi Sunak promised last week to ‘stop shoplifters in their tracks’ with a tough package of measures.

In response to an epidemic of violent thefts, assaulting a shop worker will be made a specific offence for the first time. 

Prolific shoplifters will also be fitted with GPS satellite electronic tags so their movements can be tracked. 

Mr Sunak, writing exclusively in the Daily Mail, said: ‘Fundamentally, something has gone wrong when people think they can wander into their local shop and just pick up whatever they want without paying.

Rishi Sunak promised last week to 'stop shoplifters in their tracks' with a tough package of measures

Rishi Sunak promised last week to ‘stop shoplifters in their tracks’ with a tough package of measures

Assaulting a shop worker will be made a specific offence for the first time (stock image)

Assaulting a shop worker will be made a specific offence for the first time (stock image)

‘We’ll tackle this head-on. And together, with the police and retailers, we’ll stop the shoplifters in their tracks.’

RISHI SUNAK: Three ways we will put an end to the blight of shoplifting on our high streets


The latest crime data showed a 32 per cent surge in shoplifting, costing the sector more than £3billion a year.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said assaulting retail staff will be made a specific criminal offence.

It will carry up to six months’ imprisonment, or an unlimited fine, and a ban on returning to the shop where the crime took place.

Thieves caught shoplifting three times, or who assault staff on three occasions, could be forced to wear a GPS tag. 

The Government will invest £55million in facial recognition technology for police over the next four years, including £4million on ‘mobile units’ on the street to identify criminals through CCTV. 

‘Units will take live footage of crowds… comparing images to specific people wanted by the police or banned from that location,’ a Home Office spokesman said. 

‘Police in the area will then be alerted so they can track down these offenders.’