'My car's gone, job's gone, life's gone!': Police release chilling footage of drink-drivers arrested while unsteady on their feet, slurring their words and with children in the car

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#039My #car039s #job039s #life039s #gone039 #Police #release #chilling #footage #drinkdrivers #arrested #unsteady #feet #slurring #words #children #car

  • Durham Constabulary released the footage in a bid to get people to ‘listen’

Police have released chilling footage of drink-drivers being arrested while they are unsteady on their foot, slurring words and even with children in the car in the second part of their hard-hitting Christmas campaign.

Durham Constabulary has released the footage in the hope that people will ‘start listening’ and stop driving drunk.

‘My car’s gone, my job’s gone, my life’s gone,’ decried one young woman who was pulled over to the side of the road by officers while over the legal limit on March 12 this year.

The compilation of around a dozen drink-drivers who were arrested by police this year includes a mother comforting her young child as she was being arrested for drink driving.

She told her child: ‘Are you gonna’ go and see nana and grandad, yeah? Is that ok? Mammy’s been a bit naughty.’

A mother comforts her young child as she was arrested for drink driving in Durham in May

A mother comforts her young child as she was arrested for drink driving in Durham in May

'I've done nothing wrong': A drink-driver falls into the back of a police van in Durham

‘I’ve done nothing wrong’: A drink-driver falls into the back of a police van in Durham

The footage includes another driver who was arrested on suspicion of child neglect as well as driving over the limit child as they had children in the car while twice over the legal limit.

READ MORE: Police release bodycam footage of drink-drivers pulled over with bottles of gin, slurring their words, and a BABY in the backseat in stark warning over the festive period


Another clip of a man in police custody being told by an officer: ‘The legal limit is 35. You blew 136 and 142.’

Noticeably slurring his words, the suspect replied: ‘So I’m over the limit?’

‘You’re over the limit, yeah,’ the officer told him.

‘We go to crashes where people have died because of drink drivers, so it is important to us,’ an officer told a belligerent woman as she shrugged and declared that she did not care if she died in a crash.

‘If I die, I die. I don’t care anymore,’ she told the officer who responded: ‘But it’s not about you.’

‘I know it’s not about me!’ the driver snapped back.

One clip shows the aftermath of a car accident on May 8 when a Land Rover and a Mazda got into a crash. The driver of the Land Rover says he was out last night, and says he has had a drink.

Bodycam footage from January 14 shows an officer leading a stumbling driver from his car as he warns him: ‘Steady on lad. Steady on.’

Another drink-driver denied driving at all. ‘I haven’t been driving,’ he protested.

The officer replies: ‘Four cops have seen you driving, mate.’

‘You obviously haven’t,’ the suspect responded.

'If I die, I die. I don't care anymore': a belligerent woman said as she shrugged after being caught drink-driving

‘If I die, I die. I don’t care anymore’: a belligerent woman said as she shrugged after being caught drink-driving

'So I'm over the limit?' This man was caught by officers at around four times the legal limit

‘So I’m over the limit?’ This man was caught by officers at around four times the legal limit

One driver chipperly told an officer ‘I feel alright though’ despite being around two times over the legal limit.

Sitting in the back of a police car, one woman argued: ‘I could understand if it was major amounts… if I was taking the p***.

‘But like, what is it, 35, 46? It’s eleven over.’

‘I’ve done nothing wrong,’ a visibly intoxicated man declared in slurred speech as he fell into the back of a police van.

An officer offered to help him sit upright but when she reached out to help he simply said: ‘No.’

Another woman told officers she needed her phone to make a call as she was on her way to pick up her children before she got pulled over.

A young woman was in floods of tears as she recognised the gravity of her error. ‘I just wanted to go home,’ she wept.

The officer replied: ‘I understand that, but obviously you understand why you’re being arrested?’

‘Yeah, I know. I do. I know, I know. What a stupid thing to do.’

One woman tried to get out of it as she was at a police station, telling officers: ‘I’m a good person. Just let me go home. I’ve not done anything wrong.’

A driver crashes into a stone bollard in Durham while drunk behind the wheel

A driver crashes into a stone bollard in Durham while drunk behind the wheel

A man takes a breathalyser test after being caught drink-driving on April 21 this year

A man takes a breathalyser test after being caught drink-driving on April 21 this year

Durham Constabulary said in a statement: ‘As part of an ongoing operation to target drink and drug drivers, Durham Constabulary has released footage in a bid to urge people not to drive under the influence.

‘The recordings, filmed by officers using their bodycams, show the devastating consequences – felt by both the perpetrators and their innocent victims – of driving under the influence, and the sheer ignorance of those who choose to flout the law.

‘Two videos have so far been released, and further videos will be released in the lead up to Christmas in the hope that potential offenders will think twice before drinking and getting behind the wheel.

‘In addition to the media campaign, officers from the force’s Roads and Armed Policing Unit have been out on the ground carrying out random vehicle stops and intelligence-led enforcement in a bid to remove drivers who are under the influence and keep people safe.

‘So far, hundreds of checks have been carried out across County Durham and Darlington, and more will be taking place throughout the month and into the new year.

‘Several arrests and vehicle seizures have already been made.

‘In one of the videos, a suspected drink driver refers to the numerous drink drive campaigns across television and social media, stating that “people don’t listen to those”.

‘The message from Durham Constabulary is simple: start listening.’