Only the ultra-observant can spot the strawberry without a stem in 15 seconds… did YOU find it?

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Only people who have 20/20 vision can solve a new brainteaser.

The puzzle features dozens of ripe strawberries, topped with green leaves, which all look the same at first glance.

But take a closer look one of them does not have a stem.

The challenge is to find the odd strawberry in under 15 seconds. 

The puzzle features dozens of ripe strawberries, topped with green leaves , which all look the same at first glance. The challenge is to find the odd strawberry in under 15 seconds

The puzzle features dozens of ripe strawberries, topped with green leaves , which all look the same at first glance. The challenge is to find the odd strawberry in under 15 seconds

While you may instantly know what an object is by looking at it, there are many things behind the scenes that we do not realize.

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The brain gets to work by breaking down an object into its individual properties, comparing them with those already known, and putting these properties back together.

Depending on how similar the observed object is to a known category, it is then recognized as a piece of furniture, a vessel, or a strawberry in the case of the new brainteaser.

‘So far, however, it has remained unclear how we consider things to be similar or less similar,’ the Max Planck Institute noted.

The new brainteaser, created by the online gaming service Vegas Slots Online, was inspired by this year’s Wimbledon tennis match where strawberries are deemed a delicacy.

Did you post the strawberry without a stem in under 15 seconds? Let us know in the comments

Did you post the strawberry without a stem in under 15 seconds? Let us know in the comments

The strawberries appear identical at first glance, bright red and filled with tiny specks called achenes.

Each achene contains a single seed, also referred to as its ovaries.

A tip is to scan each strawberry individually instead of looking at the puzzle as a whole.

You can also break the brainteaser into sections, to help you analyze them faster – the challenge is to find the odd one in under 15 seconds.