Sacré bleu! French Senate hopeful admits editing her picture for campaign poster and 'misleading' voters… but says it is within her rights to have a 'beautiful photo'

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  • Juliette de Causans used heavily edited photos in her campaign materials
  • The candidate was accused of misleading voters as unedited photos emerged

A French politicians has been accused of ‘misleading’ voters after using heavily enhanced photos of herself on a campaign poster. 

The senatorial candidate is shown with a glowing tan and straight white teeth in materials from France’s ‘Europe Écologie Égalité’ party. 

A poster calling on voters to support senatorial candidate Juliette de Causans uses a picture of glamourous-looking woman who looks to be in her 20s.

Voters have, however, complained of being misled after it was revealed the picture used on the poster had been heavily edited to improve the candidate’s looks. 

An unedited version of the photo instead showed the candidate looking older with less of a glowing tan, and slightly less straight teeth. In fact, the two people look to be entirely different when compared side-by-side.

A heavily edited photo of Juliette de Causans appeared on a campaign poster before a second unedited photo of the candidate emerged

A heavily edited photo of Juliette de Causans appeared on a campaign poster before a second unedited photo of the candidate emerged

Ms de Causans was later revealed to be in her 40s as an unedited photo of the candidate emerged.

She later admitted enhancing the photos while claiming the edited pictures would help boost her cause, according to The Telegraph. 

The senatorial candidate running for the small centrist Europe Écologie Égalité, which was formed by breakaway supporters of President Macron, also claimed it is within her rights to have a ‘beautiful photo’. 

Ms de Causans first entered politics in 2021, having previously worked as a schoolteacher, before running to become an MP in the Ardennes.

Candidates standing for Europe Écologie Égalité were revealed to have used edited photos in their campaign materials

Candidates standing for Europe Écologie Égalité were revealed to have used edited photos in their campaign materials

The 2022 election saw Ms de Causans win just 4.28 per cent of votes in the mountainous region. 

Potential voters were quick to condemn Ms de Causans for the misleading photos as one Instagram user branded it ‘pathetic’.  

‘You are misleading voters with your campaign photo. It’s pathetic, I’m not voting for you anymore. Return to the Ardennes we deserve better,’ the Instagram user said. 

Candidates also standing for Europe Écologie Égalité were also revealed to have used heavily edited photos in the campaign materials. 

Heavily edited versions of the photos showed the candidate with clearer skin, straighter teeth, and silkier hair. 

#Sacré #bleu #French #Senate #hopeful #admits #editing #picture #campaign #poster #039misleading039 #voters.. #rights #039beautiful #photo039