That's one way to save bread! Brazen shoplifter piles up armfuls of bakery food then strolls out

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  • The man targeted a Wenzels bakery in Wembley Central late last month
  • Footage shows the man filling up a number of bags before making his escape 

A shoplifter calmly piled up two armfuls of food before walking off from a bakery without paying.

The crook is seen stuffing products in two bags in his hands.

They are so full he has to carry other items swiped from a display in the centre of the branch of Wenzels separately.

He then slowly makes his way towards the door but stops to pilfer more food.

A man was videoed allegedly stealing bakery products from a Wenzels bakery in Wembley Central

A man was videoed allegedly stealing bakery products from a Wenzels bakery in Wembley Central

The man picked up several packets of food and stuffed them into a box

The man picked up several packets of food and stuffed them into a box

A shocked onlooker filmed the brazen theft on their mobile phone in a 28-second video.

It happened at the Wenzels in Wembley Central Shopping Centre.

It is just a short walk from Wembley Stadium, where England play Finland next Tuesday in the Nations League.

It is also just 500 metres from Wembley Police Station.

Locals reacted with shock at the shameless theft, as reported on NeedToKnow.

The man walked away with no intention of paying for is audacious raid

The man walked away with no intention of paying for is audacious raid

Richard Street said: ‘Why not, everyone knows the Met Police will do absolutely nothing.’

Vik Singh fumed: ‘Madness.’

One, named Adam, said: ‘If that was my store he’d be flying through the window.’

Another added: ‘He knows they won’t challenge him.

‘He’ll be back.’

A fifth said: ‘Man, he took everything.’

Another added: ‘And the police station is literally 10 min walk from there.’

The Met Police and Wenzels have been approached for comment.