Why weren't these four women in the dock with Ghislaine for also enabling Epstein?

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As dusk fell one December evening in 2021, I knocked on the door of a smart detached house in a leafy suburb of West Palm Beach, Florida.

The woman who answered was a 60-year-old called Dorothy: she was babysitting her grandchildren and her daughter, Carolyn Andriano, owned the property.

I dearly wanted to speak to Carolyn. I knew she had an explosive, shocking and poignant story to tell.

A few weeks earlier, I had heard her give a harrowing snapshot of her traumatic life from the witness box of a Manhattan courthouse when she testified against her sex abuser, the fallen British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.

Dorothy and I immediately hit it off: we both passionately believed that the American legal and political establishment had engaged in a cynical cover-up to protect powerful, influential and often wealthy figures linked to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

A young woman who has been under close scrutiny in the wake of the release of the latest Epstein documents is Adriana Ross (right) a former Polish model for the Elite agency who allegedly helped to organise Epstein's (left) daily massages.

A young woman who has been under close scrutiny in the wake of the release of the latest Epstein documents is Adriana Ross (right) a former Polish model for the Elite agency who allegedly helped to organise Epstein’s (left) daily massages.

Sarah Kellen, personal assistant to Maxwell and Epstein. She has been dubbed Epstein’s ‘lieutenant’ for allegedly recruiting and booking girls for his ‘massages’

Sarah Kellen, personal assistant to Maxwell and Epstein. She has been dubbed Epstein’s ‘lieutenant’ for allegedly recruiting and booking girls for his ‘massages’

Over the course of three hours, the straight-talking New Yorker explained what it was like to be the mother of an Epstein/Maxwell victim. Years earlier, she had thought her 14-year-old daughter was topping up her pocket money by cleaning a house for a wealthy man who lived in a mansion in Palm Beach. In reality, Carolyn was being paid $300 a time to give Epstein ‘sexualised’ massages, while similar sums were offered to her to find other underage girls for the same perverted purpose. The money was used to feed Carolyn’s drug habit.



That meeting with Dorothy paved the way for a world-exclusive Mail interview with Carolyn a week later.

Tragically, however, that young woman’s life ended far too soon. Tormented by her childhood experiences at the hands of Epstein and Maxwell, Carolyn — a striking, 5ft 9in, larger-than-life character, with a mane of dyed red curls — died of an overdose in a Florida hotel room last May. She was just 36 and left behind five children and her husband, John.

This week, memories of my 2021 meeting with Dorothy came flooding back after the names of dozens of people connected to Epstein were made public in three large releases of court documents. They included Prince Andrew, former US president Bill Clinton — who was alleged by Epstein to ‘like them young’ — and a host of other famous or infamous individuals including the late ‘paedophile of pop’ Michael Jackson, the celebrity magician David Copperfield and even the famed British physicist Stephen Hawking.

The sheer scale of the releases — many hundreds of pages — made me reflect on a simple question.

How can it be that, in a case so vast, which saw the organised sex-trafficking of scores of minors and young women, only one person — Ghislaine Maxwell — is now in prison?

In 2021, Maxwell was convicted unanimously on five of the six charges against her. Four of the guilty verdicts were underpinned by Carolyn’s allegations. The most serious offence, sex-trafficking a minor, related to Carolyn’s case alone, and carried a maximum 40-year jail term.

Having sat through weeks of the evidence at Maxwell’s trial, I had no doubt that she deserved to be sent to jail for a long time.

It was clear she had lost her moral compass, the case against her was overwhelming — while her refusal to give evidence at trial seemed to me a mark of both her cowardice and her guilt.

The third woman who has been under suspicion is Nadia Marcinkova. According to police documents from the 2005 Palm Beach inquiry into Epstein, the shamed financier once bragged she was his ‘sex slave’

The third woman who has been under suspicion is Nadia Marcinkova. According to police documents from the 2005 Palm Beach inquiry into Epstein, the shamed financier once bragged she was his ‘sex slave’

Nevertheless, the justice system only works when it is fair.

And my overriding feeling at the end of the trial was that Maxwell should not have been the sole person to face justice. That others had got away with it. What about the drivers, pilots, domestic staff and, crucially, young women who witnessed suspicious activity by Epstein and Maxwell, or actively recruited girls to be abused?

READ MORE: The A-list stars, politicians and leading figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document 


What was found on all the computers and security videos seized from Epstein’s homes? What powerful individuals knew of — or perhaps even shared in — his crimes? There are many unanswered questions.

Detectives are supposed to go where the evidence takes them — but it would seem that after allowing Epstein to cheat justice twice — first in a scandalous plea-bargain he struck with prosecutors in 2008 and then by apparently committing suicide in prison in 2019 — the U.S. authorities seem happy to have nailed Maxwell.

Have they turned a blind eye to the activities of other offenders?

For example, allegations against a number of women suspected of sex trafficking for Epstein have been allowed to wither on the vine. Namely, in the wake of Maxwell’s conviction, prosecutors had faced calls to bring charges against four women previously granted immunity from prosecution.

They included Sarah Kellen, personal assistant to Maxwell and Epstein. She has been dubbed Epstein’s ‘lieutenant’ for allegedly recruiting and booking girls for his ‘massages’. During Maxwell’s trial, Kellen’s name came up almost as often as the defendant’s.

Carolyn Andriano claimed that for the first year or two after she met Maxwell aged 14, the latter called her to schedule massages for Epstein. After that, it was Ms Kellen who called her.

Lesley Groff is the fourth woman who may have further questions to answer: she is said to have been Epstein’s executive assistant for 20 years

Lesley Groff is the fourth woman who may have further questions to answer: she is said to have been Epstein’s executive assistant for 20 years

Documents released this week linked a host of names to paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein (pictured)

Documents released this week linked a host of names to paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein (pictured) 

Sarah Ransome, another victim, told The New York Times: ‘It was Ghislaine and Sarah Kellen that showed me how to please Jeffrey’. Kellen has said: ‘I’ve been made out to be such a monster, but it’s not true. I was raped and abused weekly.’

A second young woman who has been under close scrutiny in the wake of the release of the latest Epstein documents is Adriana Ross, a former Polish model for the Elite agency who allegedly helped to organise the paedophile’s daily massages.

She moved to the U.S. in 2002 and worked at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, flying frequently on his private jet — nicknamed the ‘Lolita Express’ — including with Clinton.

During a civil deposition in 2010 she was asked: ‘Has Prince Andrew ever been involved with underage minor females to your knowledge? Have you ever met (him)? Have you flown on (Epstein’s) plane with Andrew?’ She declined to answer.

The third woman who has been under suspicion is Nadia Marcinkova. According to police documents from the 2005 Palm Beach inquiry into Epstein, the shamed financier once bragged she was his ‘sex slave’ he had bought from her family in the former Yugoslavia when she was 15.

Ms Marcinkova is alleged to have taken part in sexual encounters with underage girls.

She visited him 67 times in prison while he was serving 13 months in jail in 2008 for having sex with children. Her lawyers insist she was a victim and not an abuser or a recruiter. Lesley Groff is the fourth woman who may have further questions to answer: she is said to have been Epstein’s executive assistant for 20 years. In 2005, she boasted that she had such a tight bond with her boss that: ‘I know what he is thinking.’ Epstein’s victims have described her as one of his ‘schedulers’ based at his $75 million New York home.

One such victim, Jennifer Araoz, claims she was 14 when Epstein began abusing and raping her, and that Ms Groff was the chief scheduler of her ‘massages’.

Two years ago, Ms Groff, then 55, was living in a $2.7 million house in Connecticut with her husband and children. Her lawyers said she had been under investigation by prosecutors for the past two years but had been told they had no plans to charge her.

And there is a fifth woman who perhaps epitomises the often-complex relationship between abuser and abused.

In her exclusive 2022 interview with the Mail, for which she was not paid, Carolyn alleged that Virginia Giuffre (formerly known as Roberts) had told her in 2001 that, as a 17-year-old, she slept with Prince Andrew in London.

While a now-infamous contemporary picture shows Giuffre posing at Maxwell’s home with the late Queen’s second son, Carolyn’s account was the first time there had been any independent report of Virginia’s purported meeting with Andrew, which the Duke maintains he cannot remember.

Carolyn made it clear she held Virginia responsible for delivering her into Epstein and Maxwell’s clutches. For her part, Mrs Giuffre has admitted that she actively recruited young girls for Epstein, something she says she now bitterly regrets.

And Carolyn was scathing of Maxwell, now 62.

‘I want all young women to know what happened to me when I was a teenager and how it has affected my life,’ she told us. ‘I want to be a voice for all survivors of sexual abuse so that they are not afraid to come forward, even years later.’

Privately educated Maxwell continues to protest her innocence, and is reportedly conducting etiquette lessons for fellow inmates at Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institution in Florida, where she is serving a 20-year sentence for child abuse and sex-trafficking.

Her paedophile ex-boyfriend took his many secrets to the grave — and not everyone believes he truly did commit suicide.

A few days after Carolyn gave evidence against Maxwell, she sent her mother a YouTube video featuring a song called I Don’t Feel Any More. Dorothy played it to me and, for the first time in our interview, wept as she listened to the lyrics: ‘I have always felt like I don’t belong here, it’s been a long year, it’s been a long life.’

Tears filled Dorothy’s eyes as she reflected on her daughter’s mental state. ‘Nobody knows how deep this goes,’ she says. ‘I don’t know whether she is going to be alive from one day to another.’

Now — tragically — she is gone. And with the world’s attention once again focusing on Epstein, questions will surely continue to mount for those who may have aided and abetted his sordid crimes.